Lots of drugs are legal. DXM (dextromethorphan), which is a dissociative with similar effects to Ketamine, is totally legal in the UK. It is the sole active ingrediant of Robotussin Max Strength for Dry Coughs cough medicine. Generally, one to one and a half 200ml bottles of the stuff (costing £4 each from most Boots and chemists) is enough to get you fucked. You could go to any gardening centre, and get fucked on Morning Glory Seeds (so long as you remove all traces of pesticide). The list is endless and I'm actually now quite worried about my knowledge of drugs
Smoking Rhodedendrums gets you off your head big time but there is a fine line between being high and dying
i know of a couple of people who will remain unnamed who used to drink bottles of it to get wrecked, until it started giving them the shits
See thats what i mean about this new 'clubbing' generation, how fucking stupid do you have to be not to realise the damage they are doing to them selves, all of them are gonna have mental problems in later life and im pretty sure it lowers intelligence by fucking with your brain. I feel sorry for them
I doubt taking drugs used primarily as a medicine etc etc is a new way of getting high. A minority of people do it but the majority don't.
My rant was at drug taker sin genral, people think just cos there drug of choice is coke or pills or ket they are not as bad as smack heads when it all boils down to the same dependance and damage of the body all drug users need a wake up call and normally its too late when they do get one, I hope they all enjoy being like Shaun ryder or bez in 10/20 years time
they probably know the damage they're doing to themselves as they research into things first, but they like to have a laugh, they dont do it regularly either. mr b - im not sure what it does tbh, i didn't wanna try it lol
some people dont depend on it tho, they do it cos they enjoy it, i know people who used to take drugs loads, then stopped and are completely fine.
I know loads of people who take either coke, pills, ket or all of them for a laugh when they're out clubbing, yet i know none who have a dependacy for any of them. I see what you're getting at but there is still a distance to go before the average coke/ket/pill user will be the same as a smack head. Referring to all drug users in the same way shows your intelligence on the matter. I don't know much about drug use and long term damage in comparisson to each but i know that certain drugs are used for a laugh like you used to, whereas others like smack wreck lives.
Just wait untill your older and your a paranoid mental fuit loop, Drugs fuck you over long term not short term, people like to think it wont happen to them but it will
I guess that's true for some people, in a focus kind of way. I've stopped taking drugs now and its made me think of what i want to do from now on career-wise instead of just looking forward to the next big night out.