cool, we guna decide on a date? i say july 19th, 9 days after my b/day, and a certain mr dalek will be at promise too
oh no, im not having this argument with u again mister, picotto is not god, corvin is, end of. we may fall out over this one i think, but ill still happily marry you
Well how about we do all the wedding arrangements on the main board. You can even be the alterboy if ya want Joe?
What do ya mean your forum. I took it over a long time ago bitch. Now get back in your little hole before i moderate your ass. Im a big pooftah (whos moderating whos ass now?? Doggie)
It's not nice to call your mam an "it" i know she ain't exactally nice but she's better than a kick in the balls. Only just though
Unfunny? Coming from a person who's intelectual level is no higher that a gnats scrotum. Who the fuck do you think you are you asthetically repulsive trogladite? Why don't you just go back to that little hole you call Kerryland and tell someone who care's? Now go Bye Close the door on your way out Thankyou and good night. End.