if u actually go back and read the rest of the thread broony u will infact find that this lil "argument" had nothink to do with whether or not jules was cheesy and was infact about a completely different matter. not getting into this arguement with u over ur lil statement but u've obviously not seen any of his recent sets now hav u.
nope i give up with the guy. i mean satasifaction and beastie boys bootleg. i had to walk out in ibiza was bad crack. didnt the thread say wot do ppl think off jules?
ov course spence im luvli!! i always hav bin as u know!! i dont ever usually hav these bitchy girlie arguments the only one before this one in my whole lil msg board life was, as some of u may remember, with sasha good bless her!! but she turned out nice in the end!! just arent used to lasses havin digs at me i usually tend to get on with everyone reeli well regardless ov whether i know em or not...aaww well lol at least everythings all sugary sweet again now lol!! xxxx
LOL!! No it wont!!!! Joe that was the worse attempt at keeping this going that I have ever heard!! Im disappointed in you. We could have "MY DADS BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD!!!" instead. Shame on you! :tut: :laugh: I wont deny that I think Rachel is way prettier than me, its not something that bothers me, and certainly has nothing to do with this stupid thread. But she obviously has no idea what I look like, to suggest what she did. Its all banter tho, so its hasnt bothered me. :tounge: Rachel, I am certainly not a thug, and if its alright for you to say you'd knock out anyone who slagged Jules (yes, I know you werent being serious) then its alright for me to make the same kind of remark. I started bitching in this thread because you came on saying "I KNOW he doesnt take drugs" blah blah, without any backup or explanation at all. To me, bearing in mind I dont know you at all or how many times youve met the man, that jus sounded silly, if not arrogant. As if you knew it all! I just want to make the point that in all of this I havent said that Jules is a druggy, nor do I really care if he is either. I reacted the way I did cos I cant stand Jules, which Im entitled to be able to do, and the very subject of him, makes my skin crawl! :tounge: We are both very passionate about him, are we not?? That is the reason I dont really like you, which is a bit sad since Ive never met you, but Hey! Its a msg board. I still deny that I continually badger you, because I dont. Ive maybe made a dig twice (Im sure Im repeating myself here) and I sent that PM because I didnt want it broadcast over the board, which you seem to be enjoying, as you get shit stirrers putting there 2 pence in. And Joe, dont try to stir shit between me and my boyfriend again please. Try and get one yourself ( a girlfriend or boyfriend :tounge: ), u sad little specimen. THE END. (hopefully)
after reading that I'd like to quote this: LMAO yep it obviously didn't work I mean you only spent an hour typing out this response - obviously never hit any nerves And sweety pie, try not be such a condescending little cunt - I've been civil throughout this thread. I expect people to talk to me with admiration and respect.
I don't get how Jules can go from doing such CLASS sets to such naff ones. When he has his good days he kicks it off bigstyle but when he's naff.. he's naff.
my god, joe get over ya self.....this thread over julesy had gone way over the top, feel sorry for both the rachs' involved!xx
All I took from all that was Rachel is prettier. Can I just say for the record I smoked a joint with Jules once. :chill: