I'm not sure yet, I have a date wiv Miss Helz but u never know where we'll end up R u not out tomorrow hun?
Why sir is too kind But yes ir's hard having a bird for a brother, the feathers make such a mess & then he expects ME to clean them up!!!
NOOOOO your not making me go out madam! i'll strike up my affair with whiplash if your gonna be like that
naa i work most friday nites will hav 2 catch up soon tho and hear stories of america b4 u's both go again!
well u will go off galivanting around the world...wot u expect? Ali - its too late...she's tarnished in heart now...dont think i could look at her the same way again
did u bring me a ladies hankercheif from this excursion? i got you the world so i expect at least a hanky! lol
an 8 pack of special brew and a u.s visa please knowing u though u wud leave both on the bus...so dont bother
anybody could lose a purse, it's easily done! OK I'm not the most reliable person to send off around the US I think I did very well to lose only my $$$ - could've done much worse :chill: