One other thing, I've never liked you, I tolerated you because people who I respect said you were a decent chap. Needless to say that those same people don't have a nice word to say about you these days. I should of gone with my instincts all along, it's a lesson learned. Now if you've got owt to say to me i'll be at promise on Friday so say it to my face, otherwise pipe down and fuck off.
Nail on the fucking head rob. Your a two faced fuck, I actually did like you and had a lot of respect for you, if I'd of only knew you were a manipulative two faced socialite. You only pretended to like me because I was the flavour of the month?!?!?!? Jesus mate thats some morals you've got All the friendliness was a formality? Asking if I'd like to work for you was purely cos of my skill set? Using my advice on numerous occassions (free of charge) was merely for your own advantage? You manipulative two faced fuck. I may be a twat but at least I'm genuine.
aaww dont u 2 its only a daft msg board man dont let sumfink like this effect the way u view each other in real life please dont argue although it does make good entertainment and reading.... xxx
I'm sure rob will see me in a different view as soon as mark, lee or richard says its cool to like me again
I need some recomendations of some good stuff to buy please Joe. Sorry for starting this fucking thread tho m8!
lol I'm enjoying the thread jimmy ty roots manuva mud family taskforce skitz rodney p london posse theres a nice varied collection to get you started
That's not being two faced, I didn't slag you off, I didn't have a bad word to say about you. I just didn't like you. I still don't slag you off even when people encourage me to now. I don't care if you had/have respect for me, I never did for you, I don't care if you feel manipulated, frankly I just don't care where you're concerned.
Sorry, I know we are both getting very heated, but I think it's fair to say that we both think we are right. I'm sure that it would never come to blows if we saw each other, I'm soft and so is Joe. I'm aware that this is funny to read, it's quite good fun to write too!
rob you offered me a fucking job, you always went out your way to say hi when u were up... Do you realise how snidey you look? Your a sly manipulative two faced cunt. Whether you care or not is irrelivant, I went out my way on numerous occassions to help you (even with the new fucking web design - which happens to be a piss poor immitation of a design I created)... You don't see yourself as a sly weasely fat fuck? I'm sure many people now do People don't like to be used
Mark asked you to help not me, you wanted to be involved so he let you, it's not my place to say I don't want your help because I don't own promise. The world doesn't revolve around me you know. I see you as someone who hides behind insults and put downs, you'll spit in my face, what the fuck is that, you're a joke (not that funny). I'm not a violent person, i've not been in a fight for at least a decade but i'd take you to pieces if you spat in my face and I think i'd be right to do so.
i know this has got fuck all to do with me so ur both more than welcome to tell me to fuck off n keep my opinions to mazelf but oway u 2 cos this is gettin dead daft and the sad thing is is that ya'z probs will fall out properly n neva speak to each other 4 the rest ov ur lives cos of this daft argument ova a msg board, life reeli is too short!! however mebs i shud just shut up n let ya's get on with it cos it reeli aint got nofink to do with me but i hate nasty arguments like this!! xxx
Fair point, as I think I've already said this is something to be discussed in private not on a public message board. I'll leave it at that.
I haven't read anything like that since I read the Madders post 5 minutes ago. I love it when people speak with a bit of passion