Just pm me if you want to have a spat, I'm pretty sure nobody else gives a shit if I like you or if you like me and who's right etc.
How about you settle this Michael Jackson "Bad" style.... Both of you stand at opposite ends of an underground multi storey carpark... approach each other and take it in turns to fight through the medium of disco dancing. Just a thought.
Haha, it's a plan. If only all conflicts could be solved this way. I'd love to see George Dubblya Bush and Sadam Hussain moon-walking for oil.
lordy lordy lordy Rob you slate me in public (unprovoked may I add), I confront you and you try to play the maturity card (after your insulting and ner ner na ner clap trap). You know what rob I'd rather not pm you, I do however advise you you take a step back from your monitor and actually look at what your doing.
joe man, you want to listen to yourself!!! Rob says he doesn't like you and the board is better off without constant sniping and putting everyone down... and you come out with this vitriolic shit!!
:spangled: :spangled: no! where did I say that?? I'm sure Rob's big enough that your little sister's polite rebuttals of his amorous advances have got absolutely nothing to do with him having a pop at you! Why do you think that?
Because he goes out his way to make sly digs, now unless he's a masisve hypocrit - there has to be a bug up his arse... thats the only bug I can think of.
You and everyone else reading know why Rob's arguing and it certainly isn't that. It's extremely low of you airing Rob's dirty laundry on a public messageboard.
Well why are you even bothering to comment on it. It also has nothing to do with you. I just made a point. Sorry for upsetting you Amy!
I said how long is it gonna take everyone. Its just a matter of time before all the bitching starts again. I didnt mention your name did I? Why do people always think my posts are aimed at them even though I havent mentioned them?? If my posts where aimed at a particular person I would quote their post or specifically mention them I know that it has nothing to do with me, thats why Im not commenting on the argument, merely pointing out that other people will get involved in it and start slagging Joe off. It always happens
How is it sly? I think you are a tit and I've said that all along. You think that bringing your sister up is gonna bother me, I'm guessing it's gonna piss her off more than me seeing as I have at no point done anything even slightly out of order to her, why don't you ask her? It's a joke joe, I flirted with Julia about 2 years ago and you're still going on about it. I've never even attempted to get off with her, I've never phoned her, I've never texted her (apart from when she's texted me first) and I've never sent her any pms or emails that are in anyway rude, suggestive or inappropriate. Oh and in my defence, if I need to defend myself.....