He's probably just working or something, or out....or just cant be bothered 2 come on the net Or yeah sam...shopping
So why would it be an issue if he's not around much? He'll be thrilled that people are wondering why he is and creating posts in his honour when he hasnt been on for a while
Read the thread! I put a post in the music forum about UK Hip-Hop, Jambon and a few others have helped me a bit but I know Joes into that sort of thing, so I was wondering where he is so that I could maybe get some more help.
Do u think I was having a go at u like? People whinge when he's here and they whinge when he's not (not aimed at you). The board just cant be pleased
joes one of the only remotley entertaining people on this board i miss him 2 pieces, not just on the board but in everyday life hes neva through heaton anymore since him dave n jeff moved out of simonside n i neva see him anymore n he neva comes n sees me !!! aawww the more i think about it the more i miss him am gonna hav a cup ov tea n ring him later on 4 a good chat me finks!!! xxxx
aw bless I miss joe too. I think he's a top bloke and his patter on here was spot on til he started putting ppl down incessantly. bring back nice guy Joe