I would say 75-80% are boring Times readers, who are so stuck up their own arse it's unbelieveable. Honeslty! Geography is one of the worst courses for stuck up rah's as we have module choices such as "Town and country planning" and "Countryside management". The dirty looks I get from the rah's for daring to have a lip piercing or colour in my hair are shocking. One asked me if he could ask a favour recently, I said "Aye", he looked shocked, and said "Oh, it doesn't matter". Musn't want associate with commoners!
Just been through the names of people registered on my course. Here are some prime examples of rah names. Anyone with a double barrelled surname is almost certain to be a rah. BALFOUR, Lara Selina BAYLY, Thomas Lloyd Goodenough BLAKISTON, John William Matthew BLATHERWICK, Amelia Caroline CARR, Bethan Rebekah DIXON, Annabel Clementine Emily DOYNE-DITMAS, Philip Robert GREENAWAY, Camilla Helen HARVEY TAYLOR, Kate HEATHCOAT AMORY, Simon Charles HEPBURNE-SCOTT, George James KING, Henry Charles James LANCELEY, Charles Frederick Allen OGILVIE-HARRIS, Simon Christopher SHEPHERD, Ben Alexander Kewish SIZELAND, Benjamin Samuel STEVENSON, Kirsty Margaret Macrae STREATFIELD, Tom Henry Stephen THISTLETHWAITE, Samuel David Hunter And my name WADE, Kyle
I was born in Lancaster, but have never liverd there. Mom and Dad lived in Morcambe at the time, and Lancaster is the nearest big hospital. Then when I was 4 months we came to live in Bensham, and then Ashington, before moving to Barrow for two years, and then South Africa. Confusing!
northumbria sadly lays claim to the biggest rah of the lot... Lady Edwina Grosvenor she lives with one of my mates... shes not that bad a rah considering shes the duke of westminster's daughter and possibly the richest woman in the country behind the queen.... but shes still a rah.... those names make me feel ill kyle!
Well im working for Orange on the silverlink but our systems have been down all day so i haven't been working at all today!!! Need to get a new job though, getting a big ass sitting down all day for 12 hours (3 on 3 off). Anyone wanna offer me one or have any ideas???
Well i work for EDS aswell but for Lloyds TSB as a Bug fix Tester, sounds thrilling eh! On Weekends i'm a Sleep Technician! Loads of perks to that Job! ___________________ IF You cant be GOOD! Be very Naughty!!!!!
your own fault there tho isnt it kyle, you shudda chosen something shit hard like me, that way you get to hang around with all the greek and egyptians that dont understand a fucking word of english