Work full time at George Wimpey Homes in Sunderland in production in the office training to be a quanity surveyor or work in building Management. In the office thou not on building sites althou I do go to them now and then but work more behind the scenes. Go to WB college on a day release working towards my constucuction Degree! (Yawn Yawn) Hopefully one day I will earn loads thou after years of useless education! :groovy:
Thanks I wish I had the motivation as the course Im doing is a killer The thought of the money keeps me going!
I'm doing a BA in Geography at Newcastle uni. May change to BSc though. My fellow students are boring. I have more facial piercings (at the grand total of two) than the rest of the 120 odd people on my course put together! :bonkers:
really?... so your one of the knobs that has made life hell for us multimedia kids... ever tried using flash with no right click/cant play mp3s & movies properly.. and those nu macs will be the end of me. :evil:
people on English course are no a lad wearing tapered jeans was in my seminar group....Tapered Jeans????:wtf: