yeah it's absolutely massive lol! that pic was taken 6 weeks ago. I was at my birthing centre on sunday and my midwife thought I was about 6 months pregnant...noone beleives me that i'm only having one baby and i'm 16 weeks! I hope it slows down soon cause i think british airways think i'm lying to them too and are frightened i'll go into labour over the atlantic Tiger - i've learnt that people don't mind giving you a bad opinion on names before the birth so i'm keeping them secret if he had have been a girl he would have been called Lily India Aulds
I took that pic on my camera phone and for some reason it won't let me email the pics to myself anymore must be something wrong with the settings. Besides...avatars can only be small...don't think this belly would fit!! lol I loved my girl name will be used one day...i've managed to persuade my sperm bank that we need to have 4 children ....he agreed cause I just bought him a new bbq with side burners and hot plates....guess which baby he is more proud of
I'm not sure how your kids have such normal names when all youve suggested for mine is Bingo and Smudge! why smudge? His paternal grandma was on a roll yesterday with ridiculous names....trouble is she is serious....i think she had just about run out of bible names when she started making them up
No Craig this is 2 unrelated people having 2 unrelated pregnancies.....stop watching jerry springer! Ness....twins are usually born early so I doubt they will actually arrive at the same time....would be cute tho!
Thats fair enough!!! lily is a nice name different I wish my name wasnt so common Claire- I love the name Ade for a boy and Chloe for a girl or Elle...
i can see a torrent of emails and texts flyin between the two couples nearer the time, when all the labour scares etc start. Thats when u'll be keepin a packed bag of clothes and toiletries next to the car keys.....beside the front door!
Wow. I cant believe them pics!! Havent scans changed??! God I sound old :spangled: That is pretty amazing tbf Awww all the best hun!! :flowers:
It's still pretty new technology....I'm in america and it cost $$$$ lol worth it though best birthday present I ever had