Is Tiesto for real?

Discussion in 'Music' started by MistaK, Aug 18, 2008.

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  1. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    this is generally when alarm bells start going off in most humans.

    it usually marks the beginning of an artist completely selling out.
  2. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    love the smoke cannons in this place like!


    :king: :lol:
  3. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
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    tiesto = trance for people who know fuck all (and dont really want to) about trance

    the same way as

    nu rave/2manydj's etc = dance music for people who know fuck all (and dont really want to) about trance
  4. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    A think its fare to say am not 1 of those people, as u should know adam :)

    But a like tiesto.
  5. robby_41

    robby_41 Shearer!

    Dec 14, 2006
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    ..sliding off the world*
    In that case mate I cannot understand why hes your favourite DJ. When the style you play and enjoy yourself is hardly like the Tiesto style today as we know it. e.g. his last 3 ISOS albums. Other than being un-educated about the scene i cannot see why people would want to follow the guy, i have saw him play 3 times now and his sets are knowhere near the standard of even relatively small DJs like Sean Tyas or even Andy Moor (who tiesto's style is most like these days)
    Personally mate i think you are following a brand name and his concerts with all these fireworks and lasers.
    ..I hate to be crude mate i am just sayin what i think... maybe i am wrong.
  6. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    U cudda just sed that over msn mate :D am hardly following fireworks & lights, am not 13. Again hes my fav dj, now through respect, maybe back years ago if a didnt listen to his sets a wudnt be anywhere near where i am now coz hes the main dj that got me rite into trance music. ill agree his sets aint as good as they once were, but im just not gonna fuck him off n start badmouthin him sayin hes shit coz his styles changed, hes took a back seat as would i if a was 43 doin gigs for 1000s week in week out.

    And as for the brand name, i, & alot of djs wud sure as fuck love it if people were runnin arround with our names all over there T-shirts etc so dont kid ur self there. It wud just be stupidity to sit back when hes say, 45?, nd think the cash hes earned through djing is gonna last him. The brand thing is probly whatl keep him eating till hes dead lol.

    Anyway hes not got that much longer in the trance scene so why not be a brand name, a think hes earned it over the last 15 years or more.

    Next comment? :lol:
  7. robby_41

    robby_41 Shearer!

    Dec 14, 2006
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    ..sliding off the world*
    Firstly mate you have mis-understood what i meant by 'branding' I feel people who follow him now, are follwing the 'Tiesto experience' or 'brand' hence his huge concerts with adagio for strings, silence etc garanteed to be played along with the lasers and shit.
    Fair enough if u choose to follow him for his past, I agree he used to be class but do you honestly think he is currently the best Dj in world? That is why i have said the things i have and that gets on my nerves. When all these thousands of people turn up to his gigs thinkin hes the best DJ goin when it is plain to see, to anyone with smallest bit of knowledge of the scene, that he realistically wouldn't touch the top 10 or even maybe top 20! And theres DJs like John Askew who recieve knowhere near the recognition of Tiesto but is by far a better DJ (in my opinion).
  8. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    Robby lol ana what ur sayin m8, but am hardly a tiesto follower but hes still 1 of my most fav djs, if a was, a wuda went to see him the last 2 or 3 times ive been offered with you lot. & av never sed tiesto is the best in the world, i sed it when he was voted best in the world. Uve actualy never heard me say tiestos the best in the world. But a respect the guy, and alot of class djs who got me into trance back in the day like blank & jones n all that.

    its all about the music with me & a respect all the djs that r now "shit" in peoples eyes. Thats how the scene should be, even if your not keen on a dj, theres no need for the negitivity, its trance he plays not fuckin rock lmao.
  9. Aaron!

    Aaron! Coming soon...

    Jun 6, 2005
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    If i had a choice of only seeing one of the "big 4" ever again for the rest of my life then i would choose Tiesto any day of the week.

    I'd like to think i know a bit about trance....

    Ferry = Shite new style and whilst he was a great producer he's never been an amazing dj just an ok one.

    Armin - Just shite and boring always has been bar Global in 2004

    PVD - amazing apart from the last few years, plays exactly the kind of trance i love when on form though.

    Then Tiesto...

    Global in 2004 is the only time i've walked away and thought "you were shit" by far the most consistent when i have saw them out of any of the big 4, plays some unreal tunes, has a presence about him and there always seems to be an amazing atmosphere.

    Nyana is also one of if not the best CD's ive ever bought or heard.
  10. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    :D thank god some1 agrees :lol:
  11. robby_41

    robby_41 Shearer!

    Dec 14, 2006
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    ..sliding off the world*
    Exactly, that what i have been tryin to put across, basically space don't you think its time to move on and give support to upcoming DJs like the ones i have mentioned who are playing and producer exciting fresh stuff to keep the scene going and evolving, rather than waiting until Tiesto pops his clogs.
  12. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    What the fuck man lmfao, seriously what the fuck. Ur startin to bug me now m8, a do support alot of other djs, infact tons, kearney, tyas, armin, van riel, askew u name it, a support 100s man, do u honnestly think a sit in here n fuckin wank over tiesto or sumthin?. Am simply sayin al always like tiesto as a fav dj coz he put me where i am as a wasnt that into trance back then, for all a know a cud be sittin listenin to hardcore still :lol: in any of the sets uve sene me play have i ever Once, dropped a tiesto tune?. No, theres ur answer.

    Robby, a dnt wanna fallout with u over tiesto lmao, but this "space wants to fuck tiesto" attitude has to go like :lol:
  13. Shortee

    Shortee back of the net

    May 30, 2006
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    I love going to the Tiesto concerts, he always puts on an amazing show and the atmosphere is always the best I have seen

    I am not a lover of trance anymore but I will stay pay the money to go and see him
  14. robby_41

    robby_41 Shearer!

    Dec 14, 2006
    Likes Received:
    ..sliding off the world*
    I am not tryin to direct it soley at you but all Tiesto fans in general, well of what i have seen at various events. I am going back to the point that the support for him seems to be rediculous even though his sets are not up too much. And maybe this support would go a long way if it was directed to new talent.
  15. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    It will tho m8, hel not be arround forever, the fans will let sleeping dogs lay when he does finaly play his last ever set. all those people who go to see him are true fans a bet they go to see avb and other djs just as willingly. Im more than sure if u made it that big, or even me, id Love it man friggin love it if people stuck with me this long... im guessing all those people who stick by him is whats giving him the confidence to keep going. it cud be the cash, but a Dj who has his own Jet, a dont think needs the cash rite now. If a was in his shoes and all those people still loved me this far, id feel like a cunt to just throw in the boots.

    When a say jet a mean jet liner :lol:
  16. robby_41

    robby_41 Shearer!

    Dec 14, 2006
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    ..sliding off the world*
    LOL Space you are a nutter mate, class the way your mind works. like a Schizo debating with yourself lol.
  17. Stuy

    Stuy Trance 24-7

    May 14, 2008
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    No-one divides the trance faithfull more than Tiesto.

    Thier has to be a reason for this?
  18. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    Rory, you’re an idiot - tiesto is wank, but wank for pretty much all the wrong reasons.

    Tiesto’s a good DJ tbf, but the bloke’s love for milking his followers of all their money is so blatant, he’s capitalising on these shows for the masses of money that he’s making out of them, not because he actually loves the scene he’s in - otherwise he would of played GC etc, now that’s what a DJ who actually wants the scene to thrive would do.

    He’s an arrogant businessman who’s out to scam many fans worldwide and brainwash them into thinking that every time he plays traffic its ‘so cool’ rather than ‘so overdone, you prick’ all DJ’s like to play their own productions, but there really has to be a limit to it. Because I can guarantee that if there was a live show soon - he’ll just play what you KNOW he’ll play - which isn’t the mark of a good entertainer. He’s basically just thriving on hype that he’s built up himself. What a grade A Dutch cock sniffer he is.

    The only credits I can really give him are for Nyana and I thought the Just be album was good too, however all of the In search of sunrise CD’s have all looked like pathetic commercial bullshite that I wouldn’t even touch with a 10ft tiesto album poking stick.

    I also thank him for making me dance at global 2005 when I was off my tits on mind benders, but saying that - I rekon dave pearce on the stage would of done the same thing.

    Anyone who sticks up for tiesto should be sticking it up their own arses IMO.
  19. Carson

    Carson Registered User

    Dec 19, 2006
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    Tiesto at Global 2005 on the Beach stage :love:

    Tiesto at Creamfields 2006 :love:

    Tiesto at Privilege Ibiza July 2008 :love:

    Tiesto ISOS CD's & Radio Shows :cry:

    Tiesto :love: :love: :love: Still not in my top 5 DJ's though!
  20. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    Its funny how your mind works, Mr i dont like trance anymore, uve a cheek u like. Sayin am like a schizo, how exactly, coz a like tiesto n u assume am a tiesto follower & dont give any other dj's credit :lol: av just saw a cupla posts from other people whove the balls to come on n say they like tiesto aswell, u not gonna tell them off? :lol: tit

    And keiran mate, am not the "idiot" who started the thread, theres plenty people like tiesto on here, so pointless postin threads like that on a good dj in the first place if thats the case.

    Oh, heres a belated birthday present

    This threads had a canny few hits actualy :lol:

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