95 I reckon everyone else cheated. Language 11/12 Memory 10/12 Logic 16/22 Numbers 16/22 Perception 3/12 Would have got more but it i kept running out of time just as i had the answer. Least i beat Darude. Remember i got almost the same score last time there was a thread about this. But im sure i got more like 120 in one once.
Lucky bugger... not started yet... know what I have to do + my sister is gonna do me questionairres for me, soon as they are done i'm sorted... I can blag essays easily so 10000 words on something I actually know about should be a piece of piss
I take it you mean she's gonna fake them all and not ACTUALLY go out and ask people questions for you...surely! It's times like these that you think you shouldn't EVER trust a university study into anything because all of the questionnaires were faked by sticking pins into A-Z maps and making up names which have to sound as normal as possible. Oh how I love geography!
Bingo! Its not completely my fault tho... my dissertation supervisor made me change my perfectly valid question so I had to start again... this was just before christmas... he now won't let me do it my own way, I have given up on him now and am doing it how I want it... after all its my work and I know what I want to find out (fake or otherwise)... his messing me about put me months behind.
It's not always bad when they tell you not to write about what you want to write about, for my AS Level Geography assignment thingy I wanted to do something along the lines of "To what extent does the Metrocentre act as a local, national, and internation retailing outlet" or something. My teacher laughed at me, and said "Try doing that, but instead do Four Lane Ends shops"...so I did I would've found more people to answer my questions in the Metrocentre though!
The thing is I know what I want to write about... I have enough knowledge to piss on the project, just because i've been told to hold on and change things that in the scheme of a dissertation are minor and irrelevant has led to me having little time left to do a first class project. I would be lying if I said laziness didn't play some part... but if I had my questionairre ready at chrimbo I would be sorted by now
Yes, laziness does play a major part in the whole thing. My A-Level Geog assignment sat on my desk until the week before handing in, it was all about GM crops and shit. I just wrote a load of crap. Got an E. Re-sat it. Got a D. Re-sat it again. Got a B. Sorted. But I'm gonna insist to my Uni tutor or whoever that I'm doing something on the damn Metrocentre!!!
A-Levels are a joke. Every bit of coursework/research I did was made up! I did my Media Studies research (consisted of 50 questionnairres) in a Psychology lecture. Ended up getting 90/90 for it. Fucking pathetic! Ended up getting 3 A's and a B. Complete joke. Never did any work, and always did coursework at the last minute.
They are and they aren't. Some parts are stupid, and other parts are stupidly hard. I've just spent Sept-Jan revising and resitting certain A-level exams because I got BBC last year and I need ABB and I've had hell. My Economics exam was fucking hard as bastard nails!! I just didn't like how AS-levels were fooking EASY and A2 was fooking HARD!! Even though EVERYONE told us this it was a big shock when I got to A2! Glad I dropped Maths after 1 year
oh good god im not a bright spark anyway thats for sure i only got 85 - i got all flustered at one point and hit about 4 questions in one go....but my maths part let me down big style which i knew it would...only good thing is i guessed id get 85 n i did lol
I went to 6th Form for a year (last year before As levels were introduced). Did Economics, English Language and Geography. Hated it so quit. Went to New College, and decided to do piss subjects; Media Studies, Psychology, Geogrpahy, and Environmental Studies. Also did General Studies, which was pointless as even the lecturers saw no point in it (was dropped the year after I left). Media was the easiest subject of my life. I wrote about the infamous censorship history of Cannibal Holocaust in one of my exams, my favourite film. Doesn't get much better than that.
i got 133 got 136 when i did it with the tele tho i cud still rember all those pretty dish tatterd dress thing! long term memory is good! pity my short term memory has dissapeared!
So when you were a baby, u knew who Stevie Wonder was and u knew enuff to liker him!? What the fuck is that about then!!!!!!????? :spangled: As Avid would say, I don't know what you are!