Slightly confused how my IQ is only 134 when I got more answers right than Si (except on logic, where I got one less, but I pressed the wrong answer on one in a hurry)! Mine were: Language - 12/12 Memory - 12/12 Logic - 20/22 Numbers - 11/12 Perception - 10/12
Haven't done that one yet, but I ranked about 170 on the Titan test. Will post after I've finished that one.
95! - lol i need to start cutting down Had to minimise out for about 5 of the questions though - and its my first day back at work so im wrecked. Lame excuses eh I was "Genius Level" when i took one a few years back.
Ive done this b4, got roughly 115. Cant be arsed to do it again like. Plus my brain is fried from work.