The bored is bvy no means boring , by no means nasty to neqwcomers for example i have only been posting for what a mionth or so yet a find myself hooke d. eager to talk about all any issues from what the site is al;l about (music) to genearl shit like sport , scandal and controversey if people are bore it is simmly because they themselves are boring . they have nothing interseting to say and are propbs contemplating theropy... just bogg off or get with the propgramm anjoy the bord and :chill:
Joe, can you clear one thing up. Why do you think this thread is about you? Stop talking about yourself for 30 secs if it's possible.
ffs what? How could I guess that you would start talking about you? Oh yeah, cause you usually do these days. Are you sure this board needs you to be interesting? I'm not. I can think of 20 other members who are just as important as you to this site, they however don't feel the need to make the board revolve around themselves. Why not have a break. Or inversely, give us a break You're a great guy but you need to learn that you are no better than anyone else on here. Let some other people feel they can talk, you might learn something. If your response to this includes anything along the lines of 'the world picks on me', 'im not that important', 'its only a message board', im not the only bully', 'i don't care if people like me cause this is who i am', ' eezelad is a racist', etc etc don't bother because WE HAVE ALL HEARD IT BEFORE countless times.
how about this for a response: get a grip and liven up Your a great guy but you don't half blwo things out of proportion and ramble on. Ego free enough for you?
I'm with Rob on this one like. I don't come on here to watch un necessary abuse. Was funny, now isn't.
I know it sounds shite, but why not stick some rules up? like "thou shalt not be an absolute bastard towards other board members." fair enough, I don't mind the banter when everyone can see the funny side of it, but recently it's been too gurnlike in both the scale and intensity of bitching. It's only a messageboard.... chill!
nass - just leave it man... dunno if you realise but your doing exactly what ur standing against sorta thing....petty arguments... if every1 just leaves it - will go away
This is all very over the top imo. A lot of the banter that goes on here is between people that know each other to start with and get on well in reality. Obviously it doesn't look very good to people coming on to the board, but it's keeping it busy, not really in the way you want it to, but keeping people posting. Mark you are quite gulity in the fact that you make threads about how bad the board is, etc. Do you not? Yes I know it is your board, but you are contributing to the problem that Rob is getting at. Also it seems Joe is getting a bit too much stick for this. He plays people on here, some very stupid people, and winds them up. Quite funny a lot of the time. I see it as if he acts like a character on the board, do you not see that?
LOL, better be the agreed sum! But seriously, this is getting a bit out of hand now. At the end of the day Mark has said Promise and Quality are doing brilliantly so why all the fuss, surely it's not that bad on here?
Nowt to say Joe, try insults & put downs. Oh, you did already You're just becoming tedious and predictable; I’d rather have some new people with new things to say, I think it would be more interesting and more what Promise is about. Do you even like the music or come to the club anymore, or maybe you think you are too good for it these days? Maybe you should move on if it's not yr cuppa anymore?