i think people miss the point of my irony on here what i was saying was www.jesscastle.co.uk would be no better / no worse than fucking whinging over the name theres nowt wrong with nucastle.co.uk jimmy i wont even reply to that comment , cos its about as far removed as you could possibly imagine from the reality
im not into this whole reality lark most humans are, and sean dont say sex its a dirty word for sum1 ure age
why not do a similar thing to dsi? expand the photos area of the site and let people put up their own gallerys so they can be found by uploader, event, date etc... and people will look thru the photos more to see if they've been 'spotted' esp if you hand out cards at the events. you could maybe even get in contact with the events to see if they have an official photographer an get them to put their pics up... seems to be working for them? and you should be able to do it better than them as you have a board council!!
Its an excellent idea it works really well for DSI + the amount of people on DSI from the north east who dont know about nucastle is a plus
yeah they have 150,000 members now... an they've moved from 100,000 to 150,000 in under a year i think? most people find out about it cos they get their picture taken and given a card... you can even say which events you're going to so you can see who else is...
Ive met tonnes of people on DSI its gets people talking like you said about different events and you can find out what members will be going to the next event definitely worth a try
thats an amazing idea. it really is im 100% behind this like, i am already on dsi and always take pictures like, i nearly always take my camera out on nights out with me like
This seems to be the best idea so far!! When does promises master plan kick in?? cant wait to see that go belly up
the patter on the dsi forum is very grim i also don't understand why a lot of people on here feel the need to chase all these 'new' people. this board is what it is, why are some people so desperate to change it?