I hope Rob closes this board down Won't be long the way you lot are going. Maybe you could start a nursery school board instead
WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU A MOD? We love this board... if you don't want ti open you shouldn't be a fucking mod!
look man the council havent even put things into practice yet, weve had the job for like a week and half jesus christ give it time
They havent even put things into practice, and it is already gone tits up!! where is my post, fucking bastard nazi's
Well it seems blah is taking orders from just one council member, tell her to sort her shit out!! The ant heed.
Are you seriously saying putting your name in a thread and into a draw is more lame than some sort of gay competition?
anyone suggested you actually stop coming on here? kinda saves people closing something if u just choose not to come here.
whether I come here or not isn't the point, this board has degenerated into the biggest heap of shit outside of gurn in the last few weeks.. seems the clubbing boards are going the same way as the clubs did, ie. full of illiterate, racist, homophobic, humourless cunts.
yes melt, when there's something constructive to say.. what would you rather I said? 'lets save the board with a fancy dress party round jimi's house' ? I'm being realistic..
look, let me get on with sorting out some good stuff with all the local clubs, leave man of science doing all the technical shit / banners etc and as long as the mods keep it toned down this place will run like clockwork i dont know why people expect the council to change the world they only need to do the job rob used to do / does