it is more commercial now - without a doubt...... still absolutely love the place to bits tho!!!! a rekkon you wud love it too mate to be honest! you gotta try it sometime
the magic is still there, look @ dc10, garlands etc.. last year. just as good, if not better. you just have to avoid the tripe that is san atonio.
come on im going end of june beginning july. going with a big daft scouser and miller. should b fun. would like 2 see the sunrise but dought it. im a bit of a lightweight drinker. but we'll see.
malia malia malia!!!! crete crete crete!!!!! i went last year & it was class...........worst bit tho was most bars play RnB, hip hop, garage or rap!!! where r u staying?
This will be my 5th visit there in the last 6 years i missed 2001 , first time I went '97 it was amazing !! But when I went in 2000 it wasnt that good @ all I blame all the Ibiza Uncovered series for bringing lots of assholes over, It still had that magical feel bout it thou and has never lost that , And the Sunset and rises are amazing. Went back last year and it was much better a little bit quieter just not as many Chavs and scallys in the clubs which made it much better , West end was quiter but WHO CARES !!! Needless to say I had best time since '98. And booked straight back up for this summer !!! AVE IT!!!
Well go and make up your own mind! I have been there 6 summers out of the last 7 summers and it gets better each year. Every year I learn a little bit more about the place and ..........fuck it I would be here for days typing what I think of the place. What I will say is that 99% of my heart loves Newcastle but there is always 1% that loves and stays in Ibiza.
me hopfully, im just waiting to hear about a few jobz out there, if i get than i'll b there ALL season!!!!! woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!
aye the same hotel and the same time, lol no sleep for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! millers goin n all!!!!!!!!! gonna be messy!!!!!!!