Why do u say poor lulu? I wasn't seeking sympathy, i was merely stating a fact incase peeps thought i was on a come down from drugs! Just so people dont get the wrong idea!
I'm not on a drugs come down! I'm on come down as in i am lower than low! Due 2 personal reasons i aint about 2 discuss with u! Its the best way to describe how i feel! Dont take eveything as it is written and there wouldnt be so many misunderstandings!
lifes quite good at the moment except i've been sat stareing into computer space for the last hour trying to come up with a witty and intelligent ending to my psyhcology presentation for tomorrow! however i'm all 'ed up at the moment with my new girl. except she's roped me into flyering for her night this afternoon so i get to trek around the wonderful city of boro talking to deadbeets
i had a mint weekend!! saturday at naughty was great!!! really enjoyed myself!!my mum did too!!!!! LOL! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!