PM's coming back or going? our flight going is at 16.15 saturday with ThomsonFly, coming back at 3.10am the following Saturday. Dan & Jez aren't on our flight though, they get there early hours of sat morning and come back late sat night
definatly. should be mint. takin the decks down. its only 2 mins away from alton towers. and ya can do loads of mad things like quad biking and paintballin etc... mint way to celebrate my 21st
No worries, when were 'not enough holidays' ever a problem for you. Sounds mint the rave in a cottage idea. You will be a mess
its a problem for me cos i'm needin to keep my sickies for other things lol. worst thing that i would hav plenty of money aswell to go to ibiza yeah i'll fairly be a mess for near enough the full 7 days. then the day after we get back it's kiddstock lol.
that sounds wicked that. which company did you organise that thru? me and lucy normally go to alton towers during the summer but stay at the campsite along the road but i quite like the sound of cottaging (if u pardon the expression)
My birthday Holidays, me and Pete are going to Malaysia in 10 wks, 4 days and counting. I so need a holiday
We will have to do something when we get back Can't believe how quick our hols have came around, only seems like few weeks ago you booked up
I know! Its all paid off too Im glad tho lol. Ive only been back from the last one 6months but I totally need another one.
That's the one's as we're booking with them. Don't mention it on Facebook for a while as my lass doesn't know.... yet She works for Thomson's though, so when she checks mine and her booking to Marbella it'll probably pop up on the customer screens
june - amsterdam with kids from uni to celebrate graduation july - ibiza with carson and company august - majorca with my lass september - skint due to going away too many times thru the summer
I've just got back from two weeks in America which uni paid most of the costs for Going away to Stubai glacier for a little summer skiing and a ride down the Olympic bobsleigh track.