well i'm goiong to magaluf on the 24th june!!! first girly holiday EVER and it's all better now cause my ex aint goiong anymore!!! yeay!!!
cla man, told andy was going, the next thing i know so is he and scott, wasn't that bothered at first but then thought what wud end up happening??? it's bad enough us seeing each other in the oasis, tears flowing everywhere and regrets the next day, thats after an hour, imagine a week of that,!:bang:
i've got a friend out in thailand at the moment, he was sat in a bar somewhere ( i forget the name ) and his old boss walks up and sits next to him! he was freaked out to say the least.
Might go to London or something for a weekend if i can find someone to come with me No plans to really go away anywhere though
I bumped into an old school friend while crossing the road in Hong Kong. My sister was staying in a travellers' hostel in LA and ended up sharing a room with someone she had been at college with. A friend of mine was sitting outside a post office somewhere in the middle of Australia when an old school friend came past. It is indeed a small world!
I am going to Milan on Wed 12/10 & coming back on Tue 18/10 cost £22.09 Just need to sort some digs out now
why keep bringing it up...??!! what? seems like i've hit a raw nerve there kelly 'mate' i was merely replying to your post in realtion to where i was going on holiday and who with :groovy:
when me and Lee were out there we met up with Claire and Dr.Mick and went clubbing in Bangkok. Had a great time then went back to their hotel and got trashed in the lobby while playing spot the ladyboy. Was quite sweet 'til we all got home then both couples split up, lol.
the point is tho Kel asked who was going away and where to not who with which you seemed very quick to point out... everyone knows who you're going out with and its old news now...