Thats expensive. Have you tried it before? You would think that they would let you hire the equipment for something like that
The guy that runs the shop does offer lessons, with his own equipment, but as far as I know you can't hire it otherwise. I haven't tried it yet, but fully intend to. You also need to learn to fly a power kite first, and they are around £100.
i was the dogs bollxs at football, played matches everyday of the week and weekend, thats committment. played 4 middlesboro youth team. wanted by a host of other premier lge clubs and 1st division, cant play anymore due to the fact i was knocked over by some miserable cunt, bastard, wanker, arsehole, nob jockey but, like my murphys, im not bitter, *in the style of that murphy's advert*
I used to be similar playing rugby, 1st XV (only school team, but we weer shit hot, and our team got a mention in Rugby World as runer up to team of the month), trained about 3/4 times a week, then played a match on saturdays... but when i moved away, i had to choose between rugby, or climbing, and rugby lost. still regret it in a way, used to be my life... and playing rugby would have meant taking fri nights easier than i do...
I take it you played Union? I am going to watch my 2nd 'LIVE' rugby match ever on Saturday Falcons V Sarcens
I don't like playing Rugby, but I used to go and watch the Falcons with my Grandad a few years back. Its good entertainment!
yeah union, was stuck in at 2nd row, was bizarre, cos both my partner in the pack, and my opposition from every team was about 6ft 4, im 5ft 9, found it far more fun to play than stop-start league. Saracens, our boys from Watford lol, TBH i ve never been huge into watchin sport, even live but i ve seen a few games at Twickenham. Would like to see the Falcons play sometime
It is I am off work for a while now so I am doing a few oddball things. I WONT BE ON THE NET FOR A WHILE
when i was in the 1st year in senior school, the pe teacher didnt have enough players 4 the rugby team, so the sly bastard told all the football players if the didnt play rugby, they wouldnt play football. the fukkin cunt, i was tiny, i remember one match against harton comp in south shields, the ball got passed to me and this big fukker, i think his name was tom brooks, he was fukkin massive, came charging toward me, well me being tiny, i thought fukk that matey, and wellied the ball into some cunts backgarden
I only know the basic rulers in rugby & I also know that for a back Jonny tackles like a forward:evil: