sexist i do listen just a bit shy and wasnt sure what to post dont want to talk about sumthing peopel dont want to hear about
welcome, hope u enjoy ur stay on the board, and i look forward to hopefully hearing u when ur playin up here Were a friendly bunch (for the most part ) :groovy:
oh yeh and anyone that can make it to ST please coem say hi to me when im on and let me know what you think of my mixing thank you im on 9-10:30
to be fair tho allie, since when has *ANYONE* listened to you? hi miss xs, good luck for ure set at ST, ill try n make it along
lol just liek me never knwo what to say when ur new somewhere hope you guys like ST and come along plesae do say hi to me though its always nice to meet new peopel adn clubbers that like my sets
cant coem to promise wont be up until sat ten staoping in chester as now im playogn on sunday on teh radio aswell so got to stop over then after ST on sunday i got to drive home to derby
hello miss xs hope u enjoy ST and play a blinder. always nice to have new members on the board. look forward to seeing u at promise one day.