Baggy polo neck jumper. Heather are telling your EX to tell his CURRENT g/f to back off. Come of babe...have a bit of self respect,and leave them to it.
she hasnt threatened your relationship, when they got together yous had no fucking relationship!!!! claire has never stopped her meeting you, i was in town with her not too long ago when he met you at 'spoons, did she give a shit?? no. she trusts he will never go back with you, and from what ive heard i know he wont either. and why the fuck should she 'back off' shes the one seeing martin, incase you hadnt noticed. so lets think, boyfriend, girlfriend & boyfriends weird ex. whos the one that should back off??? and if you really are that sure they'll finish in 2 month then leave them be, dont interfere with their relationship and see if they do!!! theres no need for some of the shit youve said about them. and fyi, just had one thanks
Claire has told martin he can no longer be my friend. I think that threatens our realtionship. Im not talking relationship as in a couple, that ship has sailed, we're never gonna get back together. But she has put a stop to us even being friends...presumably becasue she is so scared that he still loves me and will come back to me. Well he doesnt love me...probably never has. but he certainly doesnt love her. So she can just back the fuck off and let him have his own friends. She doenst own him and she never will. Shes sex to him, thats all she will ever be.
i'm not bi so i dont love u, i dont hate u, etc etc i'm not voting thats crap.... EH HAVE I MISSED SOMETHING HERE???
she isnt stopping him seeing you, it is completely his decision. you have been totally out of order threatening her, if it wasnt her it would have been someone else, youve really just got to accept the situation and move on. and now u reckon"that ship has sailed" and yous will be just mates?? you posted this 6 hours ago: nothing like contradicting yourself she lets martin do what he want and see who he wants, so theres no need blaming her for anything, totally uncalled for also i see them together at least once/twice a week, and if theyre NOT totally loved up then they hide it very, very well
OK now thats harsh, how do u know he doesnt love her, i'm not being funny but dont know whats really going on inside his head.....let them be find urself a new project (by project i mean man)
I'm not wanting to get involved but i'm detecting a little madness here???? Heather u dont want to appear as the psycho ex do u??? save urself while u still have time and move on, u know it makes sense
im just going by what hes told me here. he told me she told him he couldnt talk to me. if hes lying, he obvioulsy cant love her cos he knows the kinda shit id give her. And my moods change...i know i cannot have him...doesnt stop me wanting him does it? I want him back, i will keep trying to get him is abuot 90% likely i will fail. but so will she. i will make sure of it.
fuck off. u really think theyre going to let you cause problems between them two?? u really are THAT fucked up. im off, cant be arsed even arguing anymore, any normal onlooker can see whos right & wrong here. i just really think u need to sort yourself out like. oh and 'thanks' for the pm. thats really mature of you to say that