Lee works with laura, there was a staff night out, she is prettier than me, he had sex with her. Thats how it happened. Anyhow, dont really care abuot Lee...HATE LAURA but its sanchez on my mind right now
Why is it ok for you to see other people but not for him ? :spangled: Surely you should be over your previous relationships before starting a new one, otherwise you will never be happy :chill:
yeah, i know. but he managed to get over a 4 year relationship in less than a month...Hmm. And, as people have said, its easier to move on once you meet some1 else, which is what im trying to do. I dont want him to not see anyone, just dont want that cow to be happy at all.
Yeh but it shudnt take another lad to make u feel happier again....its got to be for you....or if u split up with that lad u'll be unhappy again for the same reasons.....vicious circle....
Heather, last July, i broke up with my girlfriend after being together for SEVEN YEARS. We were the typical teenage sweethearts, did everything together, stuck together through thick and thin... travelled around the world together and finally both had great jobs and prospects living down here. Then it all came crashing down around us and our relationship went from being comfortable, predicatble and something to rely on - to both of us being total wrecks because it was so hard just being around each other. We eventually agree'd to break up after i told her i couldnt stand spending another week going through the grinder.... and that was it - I lost my entire existance which revolved around her up until that point. I reckon youve hit that point but instead of moving forward and pushing yourself on which you HAVE TO DO, your constantly trying to go back to some part of your life where you thought you were happy as a way to treat the pain. The worst part is that even if you got that back, it would probably be just as bad. You have to realise that you cant spend your life treading water, blaming other people for your problems or indeed making things bigger than they already are. Imagine if you took a break from yourself for a moment... and pretended that everything that bothered you just didnt exist for a moment..... Then you could move on. The most important thing about that is that who you are, what you do... and more importantly how you feel about life and others around you is all UP TO YOU. The longer you wallow around feeling sorry for yourself, the more your just wasting your time. Life is what you make of it, not what it makes of you - Stop letting circumstance and other people get you down and take control. And its not just about forcing yourself to do things, its about realising it first, and then keeping yourself on the straight and narrow. Think about it, you dont want to look back when your 30,40,50... and say 'if i had just stopped feeling sorry for myself and did something about it earlier... i wouldnt have wasted years of my life before i realised it anyways'. I dunno, maybe that helps - maybe it doesnt, but deliberately posting things on messageboards just to get a kick out of the attention your getting - negative or positive (which is irrelevant when you just crave attention anyways) is just more time wasting when you could be moving on.
aye, the men are shite down here stfu gash Maybe it would be easier if we had agreed to break up. But the day before he did, he told me he loved me. I had no idea it was coming.
Re: Heather Sorry but thats my first impression...and you only get 1 chance at making a first impression.
Re: Re: Heather agreed! however, everything you do after that counts toward what people will think... its the way of the world!
Re: Re: Heather you never get a second chance etc etc. with a name like sexy lady, i'd say you're morbidly obese, enjoy wearing fluro-hot pants and think glow sticks are the height of raving fashion.
Re: Re: Re: Heather Yip ...and i bet everytime you've gave someone the benefit of the doubt its came back and hit you in the face. Always go with first impressions.