Had just about every top end pair going...HD25's are probs the best for studio and DJing. They are 2 small for my ears so I flogged them to Play.
That's the only thing I didn't like at first with the HD25s, the cups were a lot smaller than what I was used to. Soon got used to it though, and now I hate using cans with massive cups! Didn't your Pioneers break at about the same time as mine an' all?
i got a pair of hd 25s last year and have never looked back, i suppose its personal preference but i much prefer these cups when djing to big ones that cover half ya heed! although my mate borrowed them to play at tangled while back and said they wernt loud enough, ive had no problems tho! for production tho, these are the headphones to buy!! sound quality is top notch accross all ranges imo
for production the v700's are the worst headphones around, they colour the sound the most i've ever heard, of any speaker system before. Basically they are shit, for listening and djing though they are top notch.
also you shouldn't really use headphones for production the stereo field in headphones is totally out of proportion, compared to a speaker system.
ive got a pair of them but i got sony ones free with my mixer and cdjs so just use them now both average out to be bout the same quality i think
for dj'ing you can't beat attaching some string to two empty cans of campbells tomato soup, then inserting the the string into your mixer. ALWAYS USE CAMPBELL'S TIN'S AND NEVER BUY CHEAP STRING it is really not worth cutting corners if you wanna be top of the pile
Most people who get HD25's never look back ... me included. As a former v700 owner who ended up having to bin them after they split and fell apart (and were unfixable since there arent any spares) ..... i'd recommend the sennys any day for sound quality and they block out outside sounds better than anything else ive tried.