Have you been burgled?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chute, Jul 3, 2004.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    If you get burgled its your fault.

    You can secure your home for next to nothing these days.

    Most people dont even use a dead lock, they just use the lazy mans door latch which is really easy to get past.

    PVC doors are shit as well.
  2. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    my mums got burgled when i was 16 and living there. They'd had time to do it, kick the back porch door in then lifted the patio door off it's hinges. Couldn't figure out why my college work was all over the floor of the hall aswell as loads of other junk - till i realised they'd tipped the stuff out of bags so they could carry their swag. all the videos and cds in the house went, all the usual stuff. Lost a lot of things that i didn't realise how important they were to me.

    a year later i went to listen to a tape, Pantera 'Cowboys from Hell' and found there was was no cassette inside. Then i realised they must have nicked my walkman with it inside. Completely forgot about that i never claim it back on the insurance. :dunce:

    Thievies are the lowest of the low. Jealousy and lasyness cause they don't want to work for nothing.
  3. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Hoochie Mamma
    we've had 3 attempted burglaries on our house & both my neighbours have been burgled, the last time 1 of my neighbours got burgled it was at approx 10.45 am on a sun whilst they were at church...they were cleared out of family airlooomes (sp) inc a 175 yr old china tea set! :evil:
  4. Vandenburg

    Vandenburg Registered User

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Two rogues decided to break into my old house when I was about 13. They had knocked first, but as ma Dad was in the bath at the time he didn't bother ansering the door. So the buggers smashed the utility room window to get in.

    They had loaded up some stuff on the kitchen table ready to make off with then they went upstairs - on hearing this ma Dad jumped out the bath and completely starkers shouted "come here you bastards" and kicked one of them down the stairs - the bugger was carrying my bedroom telly at the time:( that went down the stairs as well.

    They legged it out and didn't get anything - probably in fright!

    The telly still works to - over 20yrs old and still going strong:cool:
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Been robbed a couple of times back when i lived in the west end of the toon as a young lad - as much as we got a load of new stuff, it messes your head up for a long time with trust and fear of your home.... Some of my parents family belongings were nicked and probably sold off for a fraction of what they were worth to us. :(
  6. Chute


    Jun 28, 2003
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    :eek: :lol: :samurai: "The naked vigilante." The last time your house got burgled i bet?

    I got broken into last year while i was in @ 'bout 9pm in summer, was still light. No shame.

    2 charvs kicked the door in and ran up the stairs with proper big "swag" bags :lol:

    I met em @ the top of the stairs, shoulda seen their faces :eek: Never seen anyone run down a flight of stairs so quick, they even shut the door behind em. :lol: Quite considerate i thought :rolleyes:
  7. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Patio doors are a big no no in security terms.

    The favorite at the moment is to break into a house JUST for the car keys then steal the car. 90% of stupid old folk leave their keys right next to the door.

    The car is then sold for about a monkey & used for parts.

    Only homes with hi-spec cars should worry tho.

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