Two bottles of Brooooon Ale - Seriously! Swimming sorts me out aswell, normally gan down the Gym, fuck the Gym bit off, sit in the Sauna/Jacuzzi & do a few lengths sorted!
i have milk thistle capsules..3 before you go out 3 when you get back..doesnt completely stop a hangover but makes it tolerable
where do you get these from? im feeling rather canny now ready to have a glass of wine pasta has helped me
Aye to be fair, them are the closest thing to a remedy for hangovers. never heard of them til Ibiza last year - do the job like. so do Beroccha's
hair of the dog is the way to go like, don't get bang back on it or you'll be even worse the next day, but a pint or two the day after a session definately takes the edge off
I normally drink as much water as I can when I get in. You're either sick when you do it, or you wake up in a massive pool of piss. At least you're not not hungover tho.