hahah so its you who needs bitch slapping bet that was funny though just thowing water over you all! bet your faces were a picture
my little sisters having a party this weekend and ive gota get dressed up, so im going as a witch, shouldnt be hard
are you taking pics? should be fun to see people dressed up for halloween - seen as though i dont know what anyone looks like anyway
she's 7. proper little babe @ evon- yeah i'll be taking pics, doubt i'll be posting them on here though
where i work theyve got decorations up is there any need for this its onlt halloween man im not fussed at all
im just trying to find some party games on the net for it at the moment. anyone got ideas? apart form the obvious like ducky apple etc. baring in mind, they are only 7'ish
hah think your right as long you have sweets they be smiling like just find halloween episode of the simpsons or family guy lol
good idea got loads of daft decorations and stuff, need to think of something that i can do to scare them though???
you could get a skeleton in dark corner put a flashing light uner the face so it flahes in the dark lol or get some good sound effects and turn the lights off
well we're having the party in the conservatory, which has blinds all round, so i was thinking about doing something outside beside the window to try and freak them. just dont quite know what yet sound effects are a good idea though add to the drama
get them to tap on the windows - :fart: they would scare the hell outta me too seriously though you should do that a mini treasure hunt type thing then get someone to scare them and come out of the bushes or just give em sweets and put the tv on