Sign was being waved about when he was playing, motioned for it to be passed over, he signed it and passed it on to AVB to sign too! Quality!!! At least it goes to show he's got a sense of humour!
aaww shut ur fucking mouths on about jules like that just cos he doesnt play boring as fuck music or stuff that just sounds like absolute noise n gives u a headache..and jules - boring whoeva said that..what??!!! hhmmm rite then sumhow i think not. stephen miller i dont fink i've met u son but yay bout u sticking up 4 jules too hehe!! and saying he's cheesy hhmm well all it is is that he has the capability to fish out the tunes before they get reeli big, plays them before they're massive in clubland and continues to play them during the time they are the most popular tunes in clubland but i reckon that u'd have to apply that same comment to Tiesto, Armin, Eddie and numerous other dj's who touch on commercial trance/hard trance . hav u seen jules lately..cos most ppl just base their opinions of him from his prime time saturday nite slot on radio 1 which is definitley not a true representation of his sets... so ggrrr just leave him alone n stop slaggin him off :evil: :evil: xx
No one can fault Jules for doing what he has to Dance Music - his Radio 1 Sets are still listened to by millions - the blokes followed by millions and is popular as ever ! I used to tape them friday nights every week Those were the days "Judge Jules Live From Slinky" etc etc !!!
um..... at which point did i mention picotto.... ??????? and in which ways exactly is he "way ahead..."...??!! xxx
Can't really compare the two as musically their styles are so diverse. Much prefer Picotto to Jules but I'd never say he was sh!t. Prefer the style of music Picotto plays to Jules'. I just think that there are so many other decent DJ's playing the same style to Jules that he doesn't really stand out that much these days. At one time, he used to be THE top DJ but there's so much competition these days and so many other DJ's trying so hard to break through that, to me, he doesn't seem special any more. Once DJ's lose that "specialness", people lose interest in them.
fair do's we're all entitled to own own opinions but jules certainly has his own sound too!!! and as for him losing his specialness he certainly hasnt lost that not by a long shot!! people hav most definitley not lost interest in him either infact i think hes more popular than ever, last year restored soo many ppl's faith in him n every single person that slagged him off to me last year went to see him n admitted that he reeli was quite good!! the crowds he pulls when he plays at a club show that his popularity certainly isnt on the decrease!! xxx
Spot on. It aint fair at all wen ppl start comparing DJ's that play TOTALLY different styles of music!!!! Both are good at what they do.......... am not sure here like to be honest......a think, to be fair, that jules used to be a LOT more popular than he is now. Doesnt mean that now he is crap, or going down hill, cos her most certainly isnt........just things have changed and ppl have moved on. Either to liking new styles of music, or following new DJ's maybe...... But a dont think Jules is as popular as he used to be by a long shot. Again tho, this isnt a dig at him rach so plz dont kill uz
He doesn't draw in as big a crowd as he used to. Tell most people that Jules is on and you'll probably get "who's he on with/supporting" rather than "wow, let's go" that you used to get. His popularity certainally isn't what it used to be. In no way am I suggesting he's losing his ability or anything like that, just agree with the point DRHH makes about people following different styles and DJ's now. Styles like Techno and especially Hard House have become increasingly more popular and have taken away some of his fan base IMO. A couple of years back, there were an awful lot less big name/headlining DJ's around so most people followed Jules. Now, with the increased number, people may chose to follow more thna just that one big name. True, he is still a big name and has done a lot for dance music, but I still think that his popularity is on the decline. He's now just another fish in a big pond, rather than the big fish in the small pond that he once was.
You speak a lot of sense my friend!!! Agree totally....its not that we are slagging off jules (cos i still love to go see jules play out and mostly enjoy it too!!) its just that he isnt the ONE AND ONLY anymore...which he used to be really.... I still think he's mint tho and would still pay to see him..... And rach...we're still gonna travel to see him dont worry
agree with sum of your points but his popularity certainly aint on the decline although i see ur point that there are lots more so called "superstar dj's" in the dance music world than there used to be, espcially hard trance/trance djs so perhaps jules isnt seen as god by as many people as before becasue they've probably adopted sumone else as their new god/favourite dj but he's certainly mine n will be 4 eva n eva!! but his popularity aint on the decrease, ppl that hav bin clubbimn 4 the past few years mite not talk about him or worship him as much but hes certainly attracting more n more fans from the younger generation... promise was at its busiest when he payed last year!! anyways we'll see on the 17th wont we!!! xxxx
hehe!! aaww good!! quite fancy seein him at gk @ code on the 7th of next month like!! but fink mr gielens on that nite so doubt if anyone will be up 4 goin... but he's on at crasher too this month then at sugarshack on the 21st so hes gonna be sick of the sight of me god bless him!! xxx
Summed it up perfectly! Might go on the 17th, depends. G/f has to go back down to Birmingham on the saturday morning so might have a quiet, well, a night in instead.
bless ya! maybe it is unfair to say his popularity is on the "decline" but a think it is fair to say a lot of his...errr "old skool" fans have moved on. You are right in saying tho that a lot of ppl just getting into dance music etc are adopting him as their hero....... meybe ppl do that then realise he's shite and move on? JOKE!!!!!!! think its basically just there are more DJ's about with the same status as jules now whereas few years ago there werent as many that got as much attention as him........ basically tho to sum up, he isnt shit, he isnt fading awayy, he just doesnt get the attention he used to.......we all agreed ?
eeeeeeeeesh that means missin a fab nite @ promise tho we need to pick a good SATURDAY nite when he is on me finks!!!!!!! gotta be somewhere!!!! and am sure you will know of somewhere he's playing?