i'll give up when i'm sad and old and don't enjoy life anymore !! watch so many of my friends give up and stay in every week and watch shitty tv and play computer games for a kick !! not me i'm a party girl and will stay that way untill its time to glue my teeth in and change my incontinance pants every hour !!
me too no actually I reckon I'm probably taking and drinking everything your share too mate I want to give up smoking coz that's what's gonna kill me, nearly did for 2 months then in a moment of weakness while caned after one freaky dancing bought a packet of baccy and fucked it up. no intention of giving up drinking or taking anything else I feel like doing anytime soon coz I'm having a right laugh, been doing this for 10 years, will probably be doing it for most of my life to some extent. I'll probably calm down a bit at some point, but I'm never going to say never again coz to be honest it's all recreational I can take it or not take it, I'm not addicted to anything (other than tobaco and possibly alcohol), I'm fully aware of all the positive and negative effects of everything I take and I'm making an inforned decision that I want to do it. I guess I might calm it down a bit if i found a lass who wasn't into it, or got a proper well paid full time job doing something I gave a shit about, until then I'm taking the healthy informed decision to party like a bastard coz I'm dead good at it
well it wont be long until that happens if you keep going in that vain I drink loads all the time but i dont really do anything else anymore....booze can do everything that all the other stuff can do so why bother? plus cowies make you talk to like people who are complete gimps whereas booze makes you abuse them
Shut it you slag. I'm a glowing reference for it. Gave it all up and doing fine because of it. Plus i'm sure my schlong's grew 2 inches. Result.
Would you let the meltmeister know il drop him a text later re:- those tickets should have my new phone by then