i really dont think i could handle dam on shrooms. everything moves, all the fanny on with car lanes, taxi lanes, sodding tram lanes the mad rastas preaching reggae love, the fucking cobbles it all done me heed in when i was stoned whats the crack with cultivating ur own crop?
i'll give u a shout in a few weeks when season starts again, we've got a monopoly on a field that we usually get about 2000-3000 from per day.
aye they're wicked mate. we've got a special recipe that we've used for years and make a chocolate kinda squidgy stuff from. the ingredients also react with the shrooms and increase the potency. ask young nass what they're like
I hardly do anything now anyway so wouldnt be so hard. Like going out getting pished with my mates but if I had/wanted to, I could go without drinking. Did it for long enuf in the past lol.
I don;t take drugs, haven't ever touched them so they don't bother me. I could give up alcohol too as when i go clubbing i rarely drink in a club anyway and totally buzz off everything despite being sober!!! I do drink like tonight i will be as i'm going for a meal then to bars etc but i still have as good a time even if i don't drink.
our mushy papa makes it a lot easier to consume them like, i fuckin hate eating them. tea's not too bad.
pill tea !!! the most british way to consume ecstacy at an afterparty. make a brew drop a couple of pills in, robs ya fathas brother