GHB made illegal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yosef Ha'Kohain, Jun 29, 2003.

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  1. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    I will try not to comment in future! :p
  2. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
  3. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    What are you talking about... education... what has education got to do with anything? With your great education system I'd of thought they'd teach you how to debate - you jump from petty putdown to unrelated fact in manner of 5 year old trying his hardest to be grown up.

    I never brought jobs into this, I brought the fact your a moron who feels the need to impress a messageboard full of much younger people.

    As for my post count, what has that got to do with rave gimps? Are you trying to imply I have no life or that I'm a nerd? Please elaborate.

    And we could settle it adult to adult, but I'd fear someone as sharp as yourself would resort to violence :D
  4. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Yes I can introduce you to ex's - people on the board can confirm i've been with 1 mistake... What on earth are you doing mate? Your 20 odd years old and asking how many girlfriends I've had.

    Having girlfriends doesn't make you straight moron, you may have a girlfriend of 6 years but you still look gay.
  5. BreakdownBoy

    BreakdownBoy Registered User

    May 14, 2002
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    asking questions????
    Back to the thread before it was hijacked it...

    Agreed!:D I've never had it and don't particualrly want to but as far as I can see if it reduces the availabilty of it to rapists then it must be good. I think it will make it harder for these people to get to it even tho it will still be available thru illegal channels - even if it only helps one woman getting raped it will be good:)

    But the whole way drugs are classified is wrong, it's now the same as cannabis (as that gone down to c yet?):chill: :spangled: :spangled: ???which is jusy bolux, i can't believe thats class c ket's not even classifed but pills are class a and until recently weed was class b, it's all wrong i'm sorry:evil::monkey:
  6. yelloboy

    yelloboy Registered User

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Thats where the education bit came from, you wrote it.

    END OF TOPIC!!!!!!!

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  7. batfink

    batfink Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    who's the mistake? someone enlighten me via PM...
  8. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    They were trying to get ted to have some!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    Me too, about every 10 minutes saying it would chill me out and stuff. 'No thanks'

    As for the criminalisation of GHB significantly lowering the amount of drug rape cases I think this is debatable. Anyone who's fucked up and nasty enough to rape someone isn't going to be put off using GHB by the fact that it's illegal. However even if it reduces rape in the slightest then it can only be a good thing :evil:

    I'll post up a long winded argument that I read somewhere about why it should be kept legal..... (please note I dont agree with this entirley but the guy makes a few valid points like the one listed above)


    Opinion: As stupid as can GHB.

    "Safer nights out for everyone," says the BBC newsreader, before announcing that GHB (gammahydroxybutrate) and GBL (the liquid form of GHB) are to be made illegal in the UK from midnight on the 1st July 2003.

    From that date forward, GHB dealers will face up to five years in prison, and users up to two years.

    Up until now, possession of GHB has not been a crime, and the drug can be bought in its pure, relatively safe form from any number of reputable sources on the internet (just try a search on Google).

    The angle the government is taking on the ban is that GHB is used as a date-rape drug, and is potentially fatal if mixed with other drugs. So it's protection for potential victims of rape, and protection for users who might do all sorts of terrible harm to themselves if the drug remains legal.

    Let's deal with those points in turn.

    1) Anyone who's fundamentally and irredeemably evil enough to rape someone isn't going to be put off using GHB by the fact that it's illegal. We all already know that making a drug illegal doesn't make it any less available, it just makes it far more expensive and dangerous for the users (because drug dealers aren't renowned for their keen pricing strategies and stringent quality control). I think it's safe to say that a sick rapist won't mind paying a few quid extra for some illegal GHB, and he won't be worried about dosing his victim with a potentially adulterated, dangerous substance of unknown quality, origin, strength, and composition.

    That GHB is very occasionally used by date/drug-rapists is undeniably true, but then again, so is alcohol (somewhat more often than GHB in fact), but no one's suggesting making alcohol illegal. Moreover, does anyone seriously believe that a rapist would be deterred by the fact that the drug he uses as a part of that rape is illegal? Last I heard, rape was punished far more harshly in a court of law than possession of a Class C drug.

    If any rapists out there are thinking to themselves, "Well I was going to try my hand at a spot of rape this weekend, despite the fact that if I get caught I'll be spending fifteen year in jail. However, now that GHB is a prohibited Class C drug, I'm not going to bother, so I'll stay in and watch telly instead" - please drop me a mail.

    2) I can't be the only one who's utterly unmoved by the "we're banning this for your own good" argument. (At least whilst tens of thousands of people cheerfully kill themselves with taxed and legal alcohol and tobacco every year.)

    The number of GHB related deaths over the last ten years in the UK doesn't even get into double figures. Indeed, at sensible doses GHB is a remarkably safe drug, as the body metabolises it into common amino acids within a few hours of ingestion. To date there have been no scientific or hearsay reports of long-term harm or side-effects.

    The only real danger posed by GHB is overdose. A "standard" dose produces feelings of mild euphoria and energy (rather like sub-standard ecstasy), a heavier dose intensifies those feelings (to the point where it's really rather nice) but tends to make you drowsy once those effects wear off (although before that happens you'll become deliciously horny, make sure you've got a sexual partner or quality wanking material to hand, and you can fuck like a stallion for ages). An overdose will put you to sleep once the nice stuff has passed (which isn't too bad), a serious overdose will put you into a coma (from which you'll emerge after a few hours), an excessive overdose will put you into a coma, potentially induce vomiting and possibly shut down the body's respiratory system - which is clearly bad news if you don't want to die. (I can't comment on the killer effects of GHB, because it's never killed me.)

    However, the scale of dosage required to suffer from overdose effects makes it a rare occurrence, hence the very low number of deaths attributed to GHB. A fatal dose would be something in the order of seven to ten times as much as a "standard" dose. Thus, given a consistent, legal and dependable source of GHB, the overwhelming majority of users are able to indulge safely and without incident (which is why GHB is currently responsible for less than one death in the UK per year).

    GHB does become significantly more dangerous when mixed with depressants such as alcohol or opiates (and indeed, these are the circumstances in which the very few fatalities have occurred). The effects of GHB are magnified by depressants, get the balance right and you'll be fucking for Britain in the throes of great joy, get it wrong and you'll be flat out on the couch for a couple of hours. Get it seriously wrong and you'll kill yourself. (It's an interesting and entirely accurate statistic that you're more likely to die whilst fishing than you are whilst taking GHB.)

    The truth of the matter is, that if available in a consistent and dependable form, and used sensibly, GHB is, (like most "dangerous" illegal drugs), almost entirely safe. In fact, if one were to ponder on what would make it much more dangerous than it is at the moment, wouldn't prohibition be the perfect answer?

    The situation as it stands now is that those using GHB are able to purchase a safe, pure, relatively inexpensive and consistent drug from a variety of verifiable and accountable sources. Out of the many hundreds of thousands of people who use it, less than one will die per year as a result of that use (and those deaths will be due to poly-drug abuse). The people using GHB don't have to break the law to use their drug of choice, the drug isn't linked with violence, anti-social behaviour or crime, indeed, it's as close as you're likely to get to benign. (If we're to accept that vicious rapists aren't going to be swayed by the legality or lack thereof of the drug they choose to assist them in carrying out their brutal crimes.)

    So what's the situation going to be when the new laws come into effect? It's possible that some people who currently choose to use GHB will stop doing so, however, all the evidence we have available to us suggests that making a drug illegal has no significant impact whatsoever on the number of people who use it. (Prohibition of alcohol in the USA taught us that much, and the prohibition of ecstasy, cannabis and other drugs continues to teach us that lesson to this day.)

    Incredibly, what's actually going to happen is that the manufacture, quality control, pricing structure, distribution and supply of GHB will be handed over to immoral career drug producers and dealers. These people aren't known for having much in the way of scruples when it comes to shifting dodgy gear to anyone who can pay for it (a fourteen year old might have a job ordering GHB with a credit card over the internet, but the local dealer will sort him or her out without a second thought).

    A drug that's currently available in a pure, consistent form will be subjected to the ravages of being cut and adulterated with any number of unknown substances. GHB users who can confidently dose themselves with what they know to be a safe amount will now have to play the lottery of buying drugs through illegal channels. Can you imagine going into a pub and ordering a double vodka and coke, and not knowing until you'd finished if it was just a single or had ten shots in it?

    At a stroke, the government have taken a drug that is used almost universally without incident or harm, and has been for years - and transformed it into what could well prove to be a significantly hazardous substance for hundreds of thousands of law-abiding people. People who are now going to have to break the law because the drug they choose to use safely and without harming others happens to be GHB, not alcohol or tobacco. And not one person less will be raped, because rapists won't be deterred by something as minor as a drug being slotted into the Class C category.

    However, it's not all bad news, because there's one group of people out there who will be absolutely delighted at this latest piece of anti-drugs legislation, a group of people who'll see a real change for the better as the weeks and months pass. It's not potential rape victims, it's not GHB users, it's not the rest of society as a whole. The only people who are going to do well out of this are drug dealers - because they've got a new substance to peddle, a new line in profitable sales.

    Make no mistake, anti-drugs policy isn't any such thing. It's anti-society, it's anti-common sense, it's anti-health, it's anti-safety, and if you're looking for a pro in all of that, I'm afraid there's only one - it's pro-drug dealers.

    Still, it's nice that the government cares about the wellbeing of at least one group of people in our society, isn't it?
  10. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    hmmmm....techno smack...
  11. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Bosh that is the biggest pile of shite I've ever read - that had to come from gurn (or somewhere as equally stupid).

    I'm thinking this bloke is very thick, the government haven't made ghb illegal to scare rapist, they've made illegal to prevent rapists buying it (or at least putting up barriers and trying to do something instead of just ignoring the problem)... Yes illegal distribution channels will pop-up (but as ghb is easy to make, these may not be your standard big business dealers - it could be poxy school kids), clubbers in certain areas of england should have no problem buying it - however your average sex predator may not find it so easy - your 35 year old beer boy who gets it from the net or local sex shop may not findd it as easy to purchase... This is why it has been banned!

    As for saying the drug isn't linked with crime?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK IS RAPE YOU SICK PUPPY!

    Used universally without harm?!?!?!? And rape isn't harmful?!?!?!?!?

    Bosh sorry the above is utter tosh, I've never read such ill thought through drivel.
  12. batfink

    batfink Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    come on, who's joe's mistake? :lol:
  13. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    bullshit mate... how can a drug that you are unable to tell the concentration of it be safe?
    an one that puts you into a coma... yeah sounds really safe mate

    an how can you tell that there are no adverse long term effects when it's only been used for the last decade or so? and only by a small number of people?

    whoever wrote that is the type of person who gives 'weekend recerational users' a bad press, giving every1 the opinion that we/they are all irressponsible, immoral losers who don't know how precious this life we have is...

    do us all a favour and drink a couple (or 20) of bottles of your beloved geebee...
  14. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    I wouldnt go by any government statistic on anything.

    How many people use alcohol to get their leg over, alot
  15. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    yes but this is okay because its been around and (ab)used for centuries... everything thats new is evil... and wrong...
  16. BreakdownBoy

    BreakdownBoy Registered User

    May 14, 2002
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    asking questions????
    just out of interest...

    if someone gave you a drink with geebee would an experienced user be able to tell roughly how much was in it or does it just taste of water??? like if you had vodka and coke u could tell (roughly) how many vodkas in it 1 wud taste different to 10, but is this the case with geebee does it taste of anything, even to the experienced user?????????
  17. TryHard*tidyShaun

    TryHard*tidyShaun Registered User

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Re: just out of interest...

    It's gunna depend how its been mixed up, how concentrated it is with whatever else its been mixed with, like water. People measure it differently.

    It tastes salty, the more in it, the stronger it will be and the more likely you'll notice there's something else in the drink youre drinking. Though, you're gunna have to taste it to find that out, because you can't smell it.
  18. BreakdownBoy

    BreakdownBoy Registered User

    May 14, 2002
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    asking questions????
    Cheers Shaun, interesting:D

    Bosh> good to hear the other side of the story made me think a bit-he did have a good argument and some valid points!! always good to hear both sides of the tail:) but overall still against geebee and think it's good it's illegal tho

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