Have you seen the states that go to Ladiesfirst in Consett?? I was worried the first time I went but most of them are over 50 and not in good shape at all. Theres nothing to be worried about. They speak to you about what you want to achieve and give you a programme of what to do and they don't make you work too hard when you first start either. I really enjoyed going but ended up with 2 jobs and didnt have time for anything Cant wait to start going again
join the army and do basic training for 8 weeks then quit....you'll be as fit as a fiddle and be able to run 7 miles for crack
its only £2.20 at our local baths. you can join the council health club for under £5 a week, which means you can use anf gym or pool in the area free.
Not if you don't push yourself too hard you don't. You have to start off slow and work progressively harder. They wouldnt expect miracles the first few times hun. If you want to get fit you've got to swallow your pride and make a sacrifice. It wont work if you're not committed to doing it
when i went i just went on a few things....ppl were laffing i nearly died.... my priority atm is getting the cash together for japan this is an added extra that wud mean we can do something whilst in japan!
Orr damm it NO I went at least twice a week for a month and went boxing! I was no fitter and lost no weight! It just made me more hungry, especially after swimming all I wanna do is eat chocolate! :evil:
2 Month I hate exercise Im so lazy its unreal Bu i have noticed my love handles lately There is no point in me joing the gym I go for about a month and then stop botehring I enjoy swimming but only now and then. I prefer Boxing but get bored of that most of the time especially going after work IM just too tiered!! :sleep: I need some motivation!!
You've gotta look at what you're eating as a primary energy source and when too though. Like eating carbs at breakfast raises your metabolism and helps you burn calories quicker. Likewise that eating too many carbs late at night when you're not as active means they'll be stored as fat...
I dont work shit loads like Just 8.30-5 but I then have to make tea, keep the house clean etc it was so much easier living at home having tea on the table when I got home by my Mam she even used to nmake my bed and clean my room I must say now and then Chris makes tea and its ready when I get in but there is still the hosue work etc :evil: After all that Im far too tiered to bother to get up and go swimming or the gym. The he is on noght shift at times and by the time I go swimming I dont get to see him as he goes to work Ive tried eating more healthy a orange insteade of a choc bar but doesnt seem to work I crave choc more when i know im not meant to be eating it! Im goping to the Arena 2nite so Im hoping my dancing will burn some calories off!