THATS WHO I WANK OVER the most perfect woman on the planted! she doesent poo she is mint the perfect woman who id give anything for one shag i do a prison sentance for 3 minutes or if truth be known 30 secons
Lisa Scott-Lee is a dog and that programme she did for MTV just proved what a talentless, fame hungry slut she is
i wont hav her bad mouthed! i took a day off 2 see her at the metro center! and the amount of times ive seen steps must hit double figures! i tell u the metro center bogs had sum punishment after she came on
Yeah Whickham's going down hill. It's all the fucking pikeys from Swalwell, Sunniside, Lobley Hill and Dunston moving in and making the place look trashy. Low Fell has always been trash though.
its all about meadowell, scenic veiws, boarded up windows, burnt out cars, the occasional mugging, rave music blasing out of nova's. ahhh if i could see heaven i imagine it would be like meadowell. hew