if i thought before i'd spoken i would have said odd rather than funny, since anyone could do it. in fact, i might apply..
ah i thought i had forgotton her name - she is totally lush - she sorted me right out when ness and i were arguing one time, then next time i came in i was like - wooooooooooh im engaged!!! think she thinks im mental though!
i've stopped my car before got out & walked back up the road to go & get a hedgehog off the road...it was a bit prickly but at least it didn't get ran over!
i had to...i cudn't leave the poor little bugger get ran over....it was heading over the road but then stopped in the middle & didn't look like it was about to move! i wud die if i ran over a live animal.... i ran over a already ran over sqirrel once & i was past myself! i even said a little prayer for it! :blush:
I saw a dog get run over once. It made me spew, 'cause I was pissed and felt sick anyway. *Screeeeeeeeeech* *THUNK* :sick:
either a) it was scared and curled up or b) it was blinded by the lights and couldnt see. the rabbit was on option B, i still see the look in its eyes when i close mine to go to sleep. pop
i thought her name was precious, or am i just making that up?? shes such a sweetie! think there ok to have in the girly loos, but in the boys?...which boy, freshens up!!? xx
Cross her mit with a £1 coin & she well sell you her baby, so calling her Precious or Princess after giving her bin lid is
i wouldn't fancy someone grabbing my arm... fair enough if people use the service if they want - but forcing it upon someone in this way is asking for trouble... do they keep the bogs any cleaner or are they there to catch the tryhards and posh rahs powdering their noses?
i do think for the most part they provide a valuable serive in keeping the toilets hygenic... but being pressured is not on... it's my call as to whether i give you anything and pressuring me will only make me less likely to do so. if i get a bit of spray of em (can be useful after a long night! ) then i will pay accordingly... if i just wash my hands and get passed a paper towel, sorry - no. never really had any issues with the foundation ones, but the bar 55 guy really riled me. :evil:
I used to enjoy a little alone time in the toliets during my night out. That moment when the door close's and the music is a little muffled and you look in the mirror and think about how big your eyes are..... You kids are going to miss out on moment like these.......
Hahaha, I know exactly what you're talking about. The beat dulls down into a vibration then someone else comes through the door laughing at how fully mullered you look, asking if you're having a good night. Then mart/allie/karl51/batfink/tranced all spill through the door, take a seat on the sink and have some banter for quarter of an hour. That or freshening up? I know which I would choose.