anything spicy really.. spicy thai mussels + stuff cooked with rosemary... fast food makes me feel ill afterwards...
Thats a bit spooky that Revel theyre all the things I cant stand, and I also like pretty much everything else
marmite on warm toast love it!!! love me mams sunday dinners aswell....cantw ait to have one when i come home, mmm! xx
i've heard bout these but never had the pleasure to sample 1 yet... *makes mental note* - ask jo to post a parmo to me!
smoked applewood is also a favourite of mine, brie if it's cooked, i love cheese but not stilton or any crumbly ones!!
Brie or Camerbert (sp) deep fried in breadcrumbs is sooo nice. and u cant beat Wendsleydale. Whatever they uase on Parmos is great as well but im afraid to ask round here, owners are far to scary
i've had camerbert done like that with cranberry sauce!! sometime sit's best not to know what these things are made of...mite put u off... i'm going to have to try 1 next time i'm down that neck of the woods tho!!
i just need to try n remember to eat 1 when i'm hungry down there...not easy when u have a shit memory & usually go 4 sunday dinner so any other food goes out of the window!!
how expensive would they be if they used parmesan cheese (like the name would imply ) !! parmo's are wrong...