Love is a funny word! I dont know if I know what it means or if I have felt it or even plan on! I know my feelings for Chris are the strongest feelings I have held for anyone but I dont know if its love? Id like to think it is but how do you determine what love is??? My ex that lived with me at my parents was more like an infatuation (sp??) that I thought was love, but I was only 18/19, to young to care really! So answer to the question would be Chris is and yeah I remember I eman it was only 2 yr ago I got with him!
my first love broke my heart after we were seeing each other for ages things started to go a bit sour soi finished it he then decided to tell me in a way to win me back abuot his past he had 2 kids a wife (although) seperated "apparently" and was up in court the following april for gbh and attempted arson on this guys house who he thought his wife was havng an affiar with needless to say i didnt go back but the twat stalked me for ages and even if i talked to a lad wen i was working behind the bar he would attempt to beat them up or somethig
my ex used to do that ALL of the time.... used to tell me what to wear to work and stuff... i used to get really upset somethimes...
it did upset me cos the poor lads werntdoing anyhitng wrong it go so bad i moved pubs to get away from him and stuff aint seen him since i did that so i made athe right choice
The first person that i really loved or love in in this case is fran any one that knows her will know why she is class shes so funny and we get on so so well most of the time
Met him when i was 17 moved in with him (far too soon) then found out he was a dirty filthy smackhead, tried to help him (never ever try to help a smackhead no matter how much you love them, they'll shit on you all the way!!) he stole everything i had that he could sell and needless to say he ended up in jail and i can honestly say that was the best thing that could of happened - still kills me now when i think back to how stupid i was - learned from it tho!!