My 1st love is the father of my son, not together anymore but he is one of the best people i have ever met, could not ask for a nicer dad for my son... things havent worked out but i spent some of the best years of my life with him , as people say things happen for a reason, if its meant to be its meant to be, if its not then its not......
I was 15, fancied him for a year before we actually got together then had two happy years after that. Still see him occasionally when I go home to Wales. We split on Good terms so that was nice
Cheers mate It won't.. The sooner we accept that the better She's trying to stop me seeing my little boy now though.
Bang out of order that like, i would never stop matt from seeing alex, unless he was a danger to him. Stopping someone seeing their child just cos the other parent is pissed of with them is wrong. The child should always come 1st, i know it doesnt happen that way in life but it should
aye ment to ask you about that, what kinda access you get, coz if me and her ever split, would brake my fucking heart not to have access! how olds ya son by the way!!??
He's 3 a week on Friday. Its a bag of shite our situation. I'd rather not go into it anymore over here tbh
fair enough mate. me and the missus have come close to calling it a day the last couple of weeks, and all i could think about was the little fella! anytime you fancy a pint and an ear to bend, let me know... can understand the shitness of the situation!
Cassie off here was my first love, i was with her for nearly 3 years and she will always remain that Some things arent meant to be, you just know when your in love and i certainly did at the time of meeting her and when i was going out with her. The distance id say played a big part in us finishing, i may of got scared of settling down too but im still mates with her and hope we can be forever cos i had some of the best times of my life when i was with her
was with my first gf for 2 1/2 years and 3 years after we've finished shes on of my best mates now...Took a long time before we could be mates but i wouldnt have it any other way now.We grew up together
Well its my best m8 but she might be peeking on here from time to time so I don't want to go into detail. Basically it's been over a year now and i dunno how i feel anymore. Think I may have forced myself to accept we'll only ever be friends. Nothing ever did happen cos of 'we should just be friends' stuff. sob sob
I never once thought u were, i was just stating how things should be and that should be the only reason a father was stopped from seeing their child
Aww, :flowers: Stephen and his ex used to be like that. She used to be so spiteful about him seeing him and they used to argue all the time. They get on well now, which can only be the best for the little un.
ive never got on with ellies dad...not when i was with him, not now, not ever......... my ex was, in my eyes, ellies dad for the first 2 years of her life... as much as we dont get on (well we do but choose not too )i'd never take away that from he was the best thing that happened to me and my little girl for a long time... anyway though i can see blue skies ahead now so al's not bad