duz ne1 else need a badge? i know spuds made THOUSANDS! but atm, were making them with springy clips for £3, but if we get sum more, we can knock the price down to £2.50 need to know b4 friday midday like btw...spuds the
spud u r a super star!!! :chill: u shall b rewarded in heaven!!! & yes i don't do pink...cos its icky!!!
Re: Re: Finally! tell me bout it, yesterday alone i spent £40 on stuff for em :spangled: instead of buyin the pre-made chains i bought a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge length of chain, and bought all the clasps etc seperately - then i just measured and cut lengths of it... works out cheaper (i think, anyway) but takes a lot bloody longer...
Re: Re: Re: Finally! I bought well over about 150 for the second meet-up... thats when I decided not to do another 1 u get em from viking?
Re: Re: Re: Finally! aww hun u r a bloody star!!! i'll buy u a drink 2moro nite to help wif da costs 4 mine!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Finally! nah, some sewing place sumwhere in town :spangled: i havent made anywhere near that number... i made more for the last one, but i decided against it after i was left so out of pocket last time. plus seein as i made the ID maker again, im hoping that makes the bulk of the cards :groovy:
"You can't come in here with that haircut mate" "You what? You own the place? Yeah, course you do, OUT!"