Re: Feedback . That sounds absoultely MINT!! Reckon it would sound great over Foundation's sound system. Only thing is I can't go on the 28th July
Does anyone know who the Super Special Surprise guest is that Stonelove have got lined up to compete with this?
foundation is much better suited to rock and roll... its grimey and dirty not polished and industrial. all the cool kids were at feedback last night and probably will be for the rest of the year. digital was like a who isn't not a who's who... lots of hair dressers and wanna be's dancing in a club that didn't suit rock.... same old tunes as well. digital will suit nights like wax on though
I've been in and I disagree. i was never a fan of foundation, too boxy for me. but powerhouse is liek a million ritsys all over england.... decor wise its shit.
I suppose youd rather go to a sweaty venue that stinks of piss to hear your rock and roll then? should have been buried with the riverside move on its past the millenium....
clubs can still do dark and dirty without sweatpits that reek of piss... sankeys being a prime example..