It was very different to anything that came out that the time and thats why people like it so much, I still love it but prefer Coming on Strong. All of Signums stuff from the last year or so has been really good, I have had Third Dimension in my box for ages!!!!
yea third dimension was a cracker. also second wave was deffo one of my top tunes of 2002. there new stuff like push through is amazin n all imo, also there mixes of oceanlab - beutiful together and misja helsloot - first second, are always high on my playlist. cant wait to hear there new productions at promise on 29th
yea u did mate, but i was a bit heh was a class night, cant wait to meet u lot again. u goin to goodgreef vs promise on 24th jimmy?
It was a mad weekend for me like, was mashed all weekend with Gods and all that too. Yeah, I'm going to Tall Trees and to see Signum as well. Wouldn't miss Tiesto for the world! C ya there mate!!!
haha just finished an 8hour shift very short compared to yesterdays 14anda half shift, was going to make it 16.5hours by staying till 2am but couldnt get it authorised cos the managers would be in trouble if i had an accident or something poor excuse if you ask me
OK, some tunes that really get me in the mood to wear a snood: Legend B :: Lost In Love (Paul Janes Remix) Chritiaan :: Free Your Mind Od404 :: Robot Jam S.H.O.K.K. :: Isn't It All a Little Strange (Krazy Nut Remix) Ilogik and M Ramone :: I Just Can't Stop I could name many more, but that'd be silly. "Hi, I'm the Hard House Diddle Master"
at the moment nice guy danny-drugs wot a tune its a fucking stormer hoovers hoovers and more hoovers, hard as nails too ave it!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That i have on vinyl probably Panik by rr fierce it has Narcan on the flip side. But the rarest tune i have is The Project - Meltdown (OD404) But i only have that on CDR. Do have loads of new rare shit tho Like the new Vicious mix of Tension By paul Maddox, and You don't know by RR fierce
I think the hoovers are a little cheesy but the base line is class. Played it on fri went down a storm
Yeah not bad but bit hard trancey for me Have got the Glazby Mix of Kick Some ASS, by the Narcromaniacs Evil and mysterious