well then i know i can amuse the peeps of the board if im the joke ,mind you its better than being bitter! whats up was you not cuddled as chils maybe your mum didnt breast feed and you've been missing the goodness that it would have brought you
Re: Ex's It does sound like he just wants a booty call like .. or maybe this new lass just isnt much craic , he may ahve no mates and wants to talk to you as it fills his life up ... or maybe he just cant forget how nice you are ... there could be any amount of explanations ... best bet would just be to ask what his beef is and youl sharp find out !
Re: Re: Ex's thanks, thing is with him its prob best to just do what i'm doing and ignore him if needs be, it seems he;s been telling the world I was so desperate for him and think he still thinks i am so he can live in his little deluded life if it makes him feel better! (plus his best mate told me when far too drunk how dull the new girl is so I'm assuming she's not much craic/crack whatever.......to be fair he's not either i've realised! )
Re: Re: Re: Ex's if you see him just be totally nonchalant. and don't reply to text messages. text messaging is rubbish. haha if he thinks you're still desperate for him let him carry on thinking that, men always always think girls fancy them and will pine for them forever. WRONG.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ex's Yeh will do thanks! Its more Msn at the moment, as soon as I've so much as logged in i get a message grrr. Any way he can kiss my ass
His computer is knackered at the mo. So he mainly spends his time sat on his arse barking orders at melol:
if you were my girlfriend i wouldnt be thrilled that you were talking about my sexual exploits on a message board guess i should be pleased youre not my girlfriend