im at work til half one in the morning on sat paula said he'd told her about it, if youre doing an all nighter count me in (although with you lightweights i doubt it!) @ marc.... exactly
here was me thinknig you'd like your testicles where they are....since you just got a bird and all... :evil:
well...tis better than not at all in my book...loads of people have tried teaching me... i need a lefty to help me to see if they can teach me
i cant take ne drugs ne more, gutted. i was quite partial to the odd splif and disco biscuit now and again
I suppose, but it cant be good when no ones got a rolling matt. Use that guide but put the roach at the other side and you should pick it up quite fast.
i take one most places where i might b smoking... trust me people have shown me repeatedly but it goes terribley wrong when i try... the mat works for me so i don't really care p.s my brain doesn't like trying to do things backwards i need to find a patient lefty who can roll
exactly....i had to learn with or without a mat cos my mates started to refuse to make me them they let me get on with it with a mat now cos it's less hassle than trying to teach's very weird watching or trying to leanr something & then ask your brain to do it backwards.... people think i'm odd at work cos we have a machine that requires you to line the bottom right handside of the corners up...i struggle big style
It really is as simple as putting the roach at the opposite end of the skin though. You could periodically turn the joint 180 degrees? p.s i know the feeling and i'm right handed. :$
She prolly got her fingers caught in the rollers, you know what women are like with these modern day contraptions.
it's not cos you have to change what you do with your hands & me i've tried that's rolling backwards technically tho...i know someone who can do that i doubt you'll know it that well we live in a right handed world
that makes me sound like there's been loads, yeh the last one. NEVER talk to the tosser from my first year, decided he's clinically ill and disturbed!