Tulip was on till 12.30 i think A&N were on till 2 & then JOC Dont take any of the above too seriously tho - I was fucked! Still dont like Digital - its like a maze!
I only saw u once like Carson when u gave me a cd so cheers (that was like half 11ish) Will give it a blast later b4 i go out and get smashed again!
robbie nelson was unreal joc - was average tho on this occasion PS: THE PASTOR PATROL - freaked me out outside the club
yet another night that was ended up a blur due to my total inability to handle alcohol, up until i blacked out i had a mint time, cant remember much after about 12 lol been up all night ill as fuck like, i think my corona was spiked i got fucking bollcked off my mam for knocking the Xmas tree over when i stumbled in
Best night i've been to up here in about 12/18 months. Place was busy until the bitter end which was good to see & the crowd chanting one more tune at the end was something i've never seen in gods knows how long up here? I left last night really really impressed. Music wise all DJ's played really well I thought, the flow of the night was perfect from Richards warm up to the more uplifting proggy stuff from A&N which left an open floor for John to smash it - which he did. Highlights: DJ Elite - That fuck'd Camera Prodigy - Charlie Patterson - Thump Underworld - Cowgirl
Balls, the one tune I was wanting to hear all night. Brown Ale, garys & dope is not a good combo, was a critical mess
loved the proggy upliting stuff Nelson layed - set of the night - missed the end of joc, he took a bit to get going nelson's last tune before joc came on was Bart Claessen vs. Dave Schiemann - Madness (Super 8 vs. Tab mix) - FUCKING awesome tune - proper went insane then!! nice to see people
Personally i did not think much of of it last night. Progressive trance is my preferd style and i didn't hear much if any decent tracks that I like. Nelson seemed to be playin a back catalogue of Aly & Fila stuff. JOC was good though.
I dont know what club everyone else was in but seriously 'do you consider that that was busy last friday' there were plenty on the dancefloor bit but it werent hellish busy for the likes of digital tho was it? I would hate to see it when people think its empty??? at best that couldnt have been more than half full on the plus side - the music was good and there were some nice people out and about = proudy, geordie, emz, camille, morla , mos, etc etc etc on the flip side tho i now totally see why rossy doesnt want to go to evolve anymore
I remember when Sasha played this weekend two years ago (the famous bottle throwing night) and it was only half full then. And that was for Sasha!!!! Mixture of students going home and Xmas parties keep the numbers down I think.
Could anyone I gave one of them CDs to do me a favour,upload it & send it to me as I cant find the fucker anywhere :evil: Cheers in advance