When i go to places like Digital i dont expect to see pikeys covered in blood and chewing their faces off. If i did id go to places like The Pig & Whistle.
Digital is a huge club, with massive overheads, and basically needs to pack as many people in as possible to make a profit. They cant afford to be picky about their punters, so they take a chance by letting everyone in, and then play down any bad comments, rather than risk losing money. Other, smaller clubs also need to pack in the bods, but their business model is based on being as good a night as possible to bring people in (by having a great atmosphere and door policy) to make their money, as opposed to just being placed in an obvious place where they know people will walk in. Its a shame.
I think I've worked out the formula deep inside the doorstaffs complex brain: Lots of thick/weird/ugly/charvers/weirdos > (are greater than) less amounts of normal/average/sound/intelligent/party people whheeeeeeyyy lets get glassed and listen to tech trance. Anyone fancy chipping in for a venue and hiring the bouncers off kevin & perry?
To be fair every time i go to Shindig i see the door staff turning away some pikey looking clown and even girls that have visibly drank too much. Evolve just seems to get hammered every time they put an event on.
I had a reasonable night, but it was far from the best I've had in Digital/Evolve - closer to one of the worst. Agree the crowd were piss poor, loads of fucking idiots shoving their way through people and generally being arseholes. Didn't see anything in the way of fighting, but there was broken glass all over the fucking place.
I see ur points, and im sure the people at the top will note them aswell, of course we don't want people leaving feeling like u do and recent glassings will only result in a more stringent door. But you've got to agree its hard to pick out who's gonna glass somebody. 1 in 1000 or so, when you've turned away as many of the rough as you can..... Some lass was gonna glass me when Ferry was on, luckily i turned round in time to stop her, and you'll probably jump at this to back up ur points. But, it hasnt stopped me going to work. It wouldnt have stopped me even if she had done it. I just thought, what a horrible cunt, then carried on with my night. I accept that in Nightclubs you get a few idiots. You always have, always will. I understand what ur saying after ur disappointments but, i wouldn't let a few idiots stop me going to see DJs i wanna see when the majority are there for the same reason and just want to have a good time.
Plastic bottles and glasses FULL STOP!! The amount of glass on the floors at all digital nights is awful!! The last time i was there, i got that may peices stuck to the bottom of my shoes....a peice ended up slashing my finger and it bleed for 2days! That isn't digital's fault, people shouldn't be so careless but it would certainley help.
If i paid £12 to get into a club and I was given a plastic glass/bottle I'd be well pissed off. That is not a long term solution in the slightest.