that's where you're wrong though. i couldn't give a shit where boro finish or how far they get in a cup. if we finish above you i certainly won't be 'rubbing it in'. we're not rivals! and i'd say that's the case for most nufc fans.
True in one way. I know for a fact I wouldn't want Sunderland to do well in any cup, but wouldn't mind Boro winnig it
exactly. it's always good news to hear sunderland have been beaten or when we beat them. boro, couldn't care less.
rubbish. why have been taking loads of grief for being a boro fan in the 5 years ive lived in newcastle? most of it has been good natured but ive never had it when ive been in london or with other football fans... there IS a rivalry. i agree not all fans share the rivaly but many do... loads of boro fans couldnt care less about newcastle and sunderland and vice versa. i like a bit of rivalry, i think mickey taking between fans is a laugh and i can take it when its going against me. the truth is we arent as big a rival as sunderland to you, just like if darlo or hartlepool were playing boro we wouldnt care about newcastle... until then you'll just have to put up with us.
cunts bri, hartlepool are nearly as big a club as sunderland now and darlo arent far behind, you'll be enjoying 'local' derbys with them in a couple of years
i saw this thread and thought of this... bbc 606 forum has been much the same. think most of its harmless banter but it just goes to show that a lot of geordies do care what boro are doing, even if we will never be as big a rival as sunderland.
you're a geek, you know nothing of football banter. go back to playing wizards and wanking off clarkson.