Embarrassment for CRE Gestapo

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Harper, Jun 24, 2004.

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  1. Vandenburg

    Vandenburg Registered User

    Nov 12, 2002
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    I simply don't trust the Gov on anything really, any statistic, new inituative etc.

    Ruth put a thread up about pension advice, alas if you aint already got on your kinda shafted:( :cry: another lovely example of the Gov rippin us off by taking billions of our cash.

    Now there sayin they will give us the "option" or "the right" to work untill were 70:rolleyes: pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!

    We'll all have to work untill then because by that time there will be no/very little state pension handouts and you won't get as much off your work pension because Gordon Bastard Brown stole 5billion worth of pension funds - nice one:down: :evil: :cry:


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