Grrrr...thats bollox that. And why give Seb 1.5 hours? I've taped Oakie - is it worth a listen? Partially heard Southern Sun being played. Were the vocals live???
Not sure, sounded pretty bad though didn't they! Fuck know's about Seb, just trying to mix it up abit I suppose!
Wow, Jimmy, he musta been good And he was! WOOOPPPP! All of em were, what a nite it was. Eddie had the crowd going fucking CrAzY on the essential mix, was wicked!
listened to it on radio 1 but they hav cut eddies set off b4 he finished it, gutted. he was on for bout another extra half hr after it cuts off and it was class at the end aswell, from wot i remember. :spangled: its still not on slsk.
Thats not good, he used to always 'Bosh' it up with some Hardhouse and he was quite good, Tony was a bit fan of him and so was my invisible cuddly dog with one ear called Gerald. Vote Hardhouse :groovy:
I have Eddies and am getting Fontaines / Oakenfold / Fanciulli after them ! Monkeyfolds was 90 Mins in but me PC had to be re-started ! Add me exactly as DJGeordie ok ! Or send me a message.