
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by forks, Mar 21, 2010.

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  1. LeeTheMackem

    LeeTheMackem Lets Cacky Tash Him

    Aug 8, 2004
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    what do you mean kets a bit different to this, The Sun newspaper says the effects are similar so it must be true
  2. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    I find it ironic that the idiots that are getting fucked up are the kid's that dont use drugs often, if not had illegal drugs at all, and the people who are safe are the users of illegal drugs who know where boundries really lie.

    really goes to show that street smarts mean much more than the bollocks fed to you at school.
  3. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    and yeah, press-ket is much more of an upper these day's.
  4. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    I think the whole 'kids who don't use drugs often' bit is from the papers too though to be fair. I loved how the mother of one of the two lads who were in the paper recently was saying if the laws were different, her son would still be alive because he would have never taken drugs otherwise.. Poor lass mustn't have been told what methadone was :rolleyes: I certainly haven't heard of anyone getting wrecked on methadone and mixing it with other stuff for their first drugs encounter.

    I think it would be fairly naive to assume that hardened drug users/clubbers are the ones who are being sensible with it. I know of plenty of after parties going on around newcastle and in Manchester where everyone is caning drone instead of spending more money and/or making the effort to source something 'better' like they normally would. It's way less hassle ordering a batch online and then waiting for the postman to deliver your drugs to you in the morning. Plus, people will tend to buy more than they need with the intention of making it last but temptation wins 9 times out of 10 and you don't really start regretting it or feeling like utter shit until it's all ran out :down:

    I do agree that the way they teach kids about drugs in schools is terrible though. All I was taught is that all drugs are bad,ranging from very bad, to fucking terrible and that anyone who takes them can become very sick, die, end up stealing, get locked up, get disowned by friends and family, lose all their money etc etc. There was no mention of having a bit of a sesh at a weekend to make the week's graft more bearable. As soon as I had my first spliff I became enlightened and realised I hadn't actually been taught anything that resembled the truth :p
  5. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    not really from the papers mate - it's from the hundreds of people who i see in south shields week in week out who were normally the beer only boy's and girls and are now constantly off their tit's and ordering HUGE amounts for their circles of friends to go out on, on the weekend. this is south shields as well - it's not really a predominantly drug cultured night life (well, a bit coke here and there - and the odd rouge pill muncher) but nothing like the scene's we see in newcastle.

    all i'm saying is this could possibly be a analogue for many other shitty town centres all over the UK. thus giving me the impression that its kids that dont take drugs. from the people i've spoke to they just dont understand - they dont know what it is (alot of people thinking it's a herbal thing) and are taking it willy nilly because it's legal.

    so no, my info was not from the fucking papers - for a start they anger me and i tend not to believe any apparent truth's given on these matters in the printed media.

    people who take drugs all the time, like me *woop*, know it's a dodgey new chemical and understand there's a bunch of risk's attached - and ultimately know when to stop myself.

    and did you know this lad? i certainly dont know his drug taking either - it's just the general impression i'm getting from friends who are at uni all over the country telling me their mates are going a bit squiffy since it came about. however yes, this is merely theoretical and yes, it might be wrong, but yet again its the general impression i'm getting from experiances, not experiances threaded with sob stories that have been had by various people mentioned in the press.

    its fucking catnip for rah's. that is all.
  6. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    I'm not going to argue that people who didn't used to do drugs aren't letting themselves get way out of hand on this stuff, but at the same time how many people do you know who've been doing drugs for years and have been known to completely cane one thing or another if the time is right and the bank balance allows it? I know a lot.. including myself at one point or another.. lots of after parties involving lots of things, but all kept behind closed doors because it's illegal. It never has and never will be sensible or good for the body though, but we've all done it. Right now though, you can walk into a shop on a high street and buy this stuff legally and with no reason to hide what you're doing which imo may be one reason at least why it seems like a lot of people who may not have done drugs before have suddenly just started. Of course I may be totally wrong but like I said, I know just as many people taking this stuff regularly who've been dabbling/hammering the party supplies for years as I do those who've barely touched a drug in their life. At the same time, I know about an equal amount of people from each 'group' who know that it can be fun, but mustn't be overdone.

    If I had to bet on it, yeah I'd go for the newbies being the ones who are assuming that because it's legal, it must be ok. I definitely don't think the hardened drug users of our society can be attributed to the sensible side of drone intake though... not by a mile! I'd say most people who have used this and decided they're going to do it again are reaching the limit they originally decided on but end up having at least 'just one more line' most of the time.
  7. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    When did Ket ever have the same media presence as Drone tho? Hell they've even ignored M1, Butylone , MDPV when talking about Drone.

    If they hadn't already flogged the MDMA/E horse I think they would still be going on about that.
  8. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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  9. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    A week after the two young lads died and the toxicology report hasn't been released, iirc it only takes two days to produce.
  10. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Ket is addictive quite a lot of horror storys in bristol now of poeple having to have there bladder reconstructed.

    Poeple taking up 3 grams a day etc.

    It not called techno smack for nothing its easy to build a tolerance to and get into the habit of taking more, it also a pain killer so some poeple take it for that reason and get into habits.

    Just go on the Squatjuice forum to see what its done to the free party scene down south.

    Most poeple on there the same as here just want a regulary decent supply of mdma pills or powder/crystal again.
  11. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Yet it hasn't been jumped on by the media bandwagon as much as E in the 90's or Drone now.
  12. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    I agree a lot poeple who did not have the connections to get decent gear or buy in bulk can with m-cat plus not so much social stigma as it legal/ work school college implacations if caught with larger amounts means it easy to go a massive caining session with it.

    Most poeple i know who i have been around the rave scene for a while have had a try for a while then tought somethings not quite right about this and knocked it on the head.
    Most poeple i know have has had a strange reaction and now do not bother with it. (unless you are offerd a bit when out etc).

    One friend sum it up as it made them feel like a crack head the craving to do in all they had in a session.
  13. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    It been in the media a bit, but its illegal and also used alot in medical percedures

    Also it take a lot longer to knack yourself so not a big a impact for media storys.

    They love the it was there first time on drugs headline.
  14. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I've seen stuff about groups of people caning it watching friends choke on their own sick as they couldnt move off it.

    Kinda short time to knack your self, but it comes with mixing drugs with alcohol on all levels.
  15. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    E = 'One pill can kill you'

    Drone = 'Legal high kills teens, whole nation is becoming addicted' blah blah blah

    Ket = Used in medicine as already pointed out, known widely as a horse tranquilizer and so harder to write a 'shock horror' story about it imo.. I've lost count of the amount of people who've said 'fucking hell that's a horse tranquilizer, imagine what it would do to a human, you're nuts if you take that'. It's harder for the media to make money of ket stories imo as the average person no doubt sees it as less of a party frug for the young'ns and more of a sedative for smack head types.
  16. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    The point i was making was the 'old Alchol and Drugs death story' is old hat for the media unless its a Cleb or really young person,also it involves alchol so there not bothered.

    Any drug mixed with alchol can kill from choking on your own vomit i was more refering to the drug on its own.

    Hope i get the job as youth drugs worker i just applied for as there needs to be alot more done for harm reduction by the sounds of it.
  17. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    It's just that the police are fucking pissed off. Back when champlegals got raided the first time they had to give all his gear (and big money) back. The police don't like that.

    The media are the governments way to lobby public support for a swift ban, hence the campaign.
  18. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    the new drugs tzar has labled this "speed by another name" and it should be straight in a class B

    you horrible lip licking speed freaks :lol:
  19. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    it was obv before you time young un

    any of the old school will remember the headline "Clubbers Feast On Special K"

    many a uni dorm has this headline stuck on their bedroom wall.

    Cosmopolitan magazine had a massive campaing to get Ket banned as it was usued in Date rape, they ran it for about two years.

    You probs too into Keegans Entertainers to have noticed this going on tho young un
  20. N.C.

    N.C. ............?

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Unfortunatly not, but at 25 I am hardly a youngun just a late starter.

    You know uni and a career before all this :)

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