Downloading music and getting caught

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Jun 22, 2005.

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  1. Basic Instinct

    Basic Instinct Registered User

    Jun 7, 2003
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    Im not categorising you at all, its just by your logic, theft is ok.
  2. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    If it's not available as a legal download then buy it in the format is available in and then convert it into the format you want it in. Then at least the producer gets what he should for you owning the record.

    If you think independant artists and producers that write the sort of music you listen to are rich then you really haven't got a clue what you're tallking about.
  3. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    whilst your counting the days im counting the calories ripping off me, your ketlike speed will be no match for me :king:
  4. Chris_Spence

    Chris_Spence Registered User

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    Why is Music made in the first place!

    if i made my own tracks, i wouldnt give a shit whether everyone was downloading it illeagally or not, i would be happy that people are playing/listening to my music.

    Thats what it boils down to at the end of the day imo!
  5. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    so someone who doesn't dj at all and wants a song to listen to on his way to work should fork out £8 for a record and rip it to listen to? people can get whole cds for the price of some records lol
  6. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Aaaaaaaaahh didums.

    Your the wanker mate - why do you reckon you have the right to music that you haven't payed for?

    Soory ther's a third:

    Spoilt little rich kids who've always had what they wanted, and never had to pay for it?

    You must be the third :D
  7. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
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    In the studio
    once upon a time in the not so long ago people argued that downloading music was ok because they couldn't get it apart from on vinyl which they had no use of as they couldn't play it.

    now bought music download sites exist. the argument becomes why should i pay to download it here for money where i can download it somewhere else for free...

    illegal downloading has seriously hurt the trance scene. many smaller trance labels struggle to shift 500 records now. when you think it costs over 1000 quid to manufacture the 500 records and the advances/remixes given to the artist/remixers, when distributors are only gonna buy the records at just over 2 quid a record you can see, quite clearly, how shit record sales kills the industry. anybody who buys records will surely recall the death of several major labels, most notably Hooj, Multiply, Bonzai with Bonzai luckily starting over under Banseeworx

    the amount of mp3s actually sold to get into the top 10 at beatport or audiojelly is tens, not hundreds to which the label will only get 50% of the sale and then halved with the artist.

    if you only like certain tracks off an album, you can just buy them tracks legally and not just download them illegally, although how much this happens i don't know.

    personally, i do download quite a bit, mainly because the samples on online record stores are utter shit quality. i don't keep the mp3s if i don't buy the record and i believe, as far as singles/albums go that is quite acceptable. keeping the mp3 and not buying the track or even worse, burning the illegally obtained track to cd and then DJing with it really pisses me off; and then still not buying the track...
  8. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    At the end of the day, saying anyone who downloads music is ripping off the industry is wrong in the sense that you can't possibly know if you are going to like tracks you've never heard before and if you feel comfortable spending £15 to hear a load everytime you fancy new music then you're gonna reach a point where you don't have any money left to buy anymore. Downloading stuff you know and like already can be classed as stealing i guess.

    What applies to me though is if i couldnt download it, i wouldnt buy it anyway so the artists/producers aren't losing out on any money, only losing out on the credit I'd have given them if i'd been able to download it in the way that i appreciate the music they've made.

    I don't think any kind of album should cost £15. Especially since a lot of stuff is unknown until you buy it.

    And hairy, saying that people should buy music in the format it is in to convert it is basically saying 'go and buy decks, get the tune on vynl, get some software to convert it then put it onto cd'. That's a bargain and a half for one mp3 innit.

    I'm not trying to say what we do is right, but its either rip ourselves off with such high prices for cd's or rip the artists/producers off. They get credit in the end and grab millions of fans for shows etc etc.
  9. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Again you're saying that people who DJ shouldn't have to pay for music - where does that come from?

    Did your parents not buy the music they listen to? Are they both DJs?

    I understand your point, but I can't see how people can try and justify somehting which is legally and morally wrong - but that's just me.

    I'm fully aware that this won't stop people doing it, which is a shame

    Maybe it will take someone yous know to get caught before your opinions change.

    But......... They are tagging mp3s now, which presumably means that if your mp3 isn't correctly tagged, then someone will be able to tell - and I would have thought it won't be long before the technology to recognise these tags will be built into players to prevent illegal mp3s being played - especially the big boys like the ipod.
  10. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    i agree totally, everything thinks im saying its ok to download illegally fullstop, my point was that if a tune isnt available to buy by download, then people have no other choice but to download a ripped version if they want to hear it :)
    if anything is available to download for a fee then it should be paid :up:
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    How's downloading it off the web any different than taping it off the radio when you were kids?

    just different mediums.

    downloading music u haven't paid for is theft. there's no getting around it. accept you do it and move on.
  12. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    That is so wrong.

    Read what Luke has just written!

    And I'm sure you would use the deck more than once if you bought one :D
  13. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    i never said it was right, im just saying thats how it is, no person is gonna be daft enuf to fork out £8 for a record when they dont own decks, get someone to rip it to mp3 so they can listen to it, then throw the record in the cupboard.
  14. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    hackers/cracker have and always will get around this...
  15. purvy

    purvy Registered User

    Dec 30, 2002
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    in the 'cuzzi
    im far from spoilt and rich mate.
    i buy music online, just not loads.
    i think u shud take ur face for a shit cause ur cracks fuckin shit.

    i dont see how peeps that download music for free shud be seen how u see them.

  16. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    You got some good points there. CDs are still waay overpriced considering how much of the money the artist actually gets (most of that gets pocketed by the record company and distributors). I work in a music shop, and even with 30% off it's still not that cheap.

    What I'm waiting for is the first legit download service to offer all you can download for so much a month, napster are almost there with their current system - you can listen to all you want for £8 a month. Their back cat is about 1m tracks and slowly rising.

    What the net offers is the possibility for artists to sell their music without the record cos ripping everyone off in the process. I hope it's not long before everyone sells their music on the net and does away with dealing with record companies like they do now.

    It's the companies that rip everyone off, not the artist.
  17. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    I know it's wrong Hairy. but like i said, it's how the majority of us humans work. If we think something is over priced, we dont want to buy it. If there's an easier, cheaper way to get it then we'll take that option.

    With the amount of music everyone likes, I don't think it would be possible to buy it all and keep on top of new music that is released all the time unless you're rich. For the average person though its just not realistic. And if you think about it, expecting people to pay the prices for music as often as new stuff is released is really running them into the ground leaving them with no money. - exactly what everyone who downloads music is accused of doing to the industry. If everyone payed for music and nobody downloaded stuff (including taping stuff and borrowing stuff off friends) then a lot of new music wouldn't be noticed or appreciated as much since people simply couldnt afford it.

    Maybe my logic is screwed up but that seems to make sense to me. I'll buy music when I can afford it but theres no way I could appreciate artists as much as i do, and know of as many tunes as i do if i had to pay for every one of them. Radio isn't much good as its all mainstream stuff that not many people her like anyway.

    Once again though, i'm not saying downloading music is totally right.
  18. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    With such an itelligent and witty retort - how could I refuse :D
  19. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    If you have respect for the artists (especially smaller names ones) and like their work then do the decent thing and buy their stuff.....if you are downloading the tracks for a preview to buying the tracks then fine , just aslong as you do actually buy the ones you like. If you do want to do this then do the decent thing and unshare the directory that you save them in so that p2p stuff doesnt spread.

    Did'dums that its expensive , dry them......get yourself over to and you can get a CDJ for £10 maximum. Bet none of you lot mind paying £10 for 4 pints of lager

    Also have you lot tried Itunes? Their back catalogue is excellent these days and you will be surprised what you can buy over there

    There seems to be a lot of excuses in this thread and a lot of blame onto the artists/labels....the only people to blame are the ones who download stuff
  20. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    yeah, i have to agree

    regardless of whether the album/tracks you download are on a major label or not, you still cant blame the artist

    they are the ones who lose our unfairly- like Si said, download for a teaser, but youve gotta support the smaller artists by actually buying their stuff

    if an albums good enough, its worth paying £13/14 for, simple as

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